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Name of Notable Genus AsNotedIn No Address Proximity Area
Name Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity Area
Cascades de Fachoda
  • Sight
  • 1001 Nt
  • CGW
Papeete District


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
-14650/00/00 Sea levels in Tahiti rise by about 14 meters (45.9 feet), at a rate of about 46 millimeters (1.8 inch) per year. Estimates indicate that half of this increase in sea level is from melting Antarctic ice. Climate Change
1769/06/03 James Cook Captain Swedish naturalist Daniel Solander, English naturalist Joseph Banks, English astronomer Charles Green and Captain James Cook, view the transit of Venus from the island of Tahiti. Transits of Venus
1769/06/03 Joseph Banks Work Along with Daniel Solander, Charles Green and Captain James Cook, Joseph Banks, studies the transit of Venus from the island of Tahiti. Transits of Venus
1769/06/03 James Cook Captain Swedish naturalist Daniel Solander, English naturalist Joseph Banks, English astronomer Charles Green and Captain James Cook, view the transit of Venus from the island of Tahiti. First Voyage of James Cook
1788/10/26 After a voyage of 27,086 nautical miles (50,163 km), the BOUNTY arrives in Matavai Bay, Tahiti. Mutiny on the HMS Bounty
1888/10/00 Robert Louis Stevenson Visitor The CASCO arrives at Papeete on the Island of Tahiti. Stevensons' Voyage on the CASCO
1888/10/00 Robert Louis Stevenson Visitor Robert Stevenson takes ill. The CASCO takes the group to Tautira island in Tahiti, where Stevenson works on "The Master of Ballantrae". Stevensons' Voyage on the CASCO
1888/11/05 Robert Louis Stevenson Visitor While Princess Moi helps nurse Robert Stevenson back to health, he writes "To an Island Princess". To an Island Princess Stevensons' Voyage on the CASCO
1888/12/00 Robert Louis Stevenson Visitor Stevenson party embarks from Tautira for Honolulu on the CASCO. Stevensons' Voyage on the CASCO

Data »

Particulars for Tahiti:
Physiographic feature Island

To an Island Princess


Since long ago, a child at home,
I read and longed to rise and roam,
Where'er I went, whate'er I willed,
One promised land my fancy filled.
Hence the long roads my home I made;
Tossed much in ships; have often laid
Below the uncurtained sky my head,
Rain-deluged and wind-buffeted:
And many a thousand hills I crossed
And corners turned - Love's labour lost,
Till, Lady, to your isle of sun
I came, not hoping; and, like one
Snatched out of blindness, rubbed my eyes,
And hailed my promised land with cries.

Yes, Lady, here I was at last;
Here found I all I had forecast:
The long roll of the sapphire sea
That keeps the land's virginity;
The stalwart giants of the wood
Laden with toys and flowers and food;
The precious forest pouring out
To compass the whole town about;
The town itself with streets of lawn,
Loved of the moon, blessed by the dawn,
Where the brown children all the day
Keep up a ceaseless noise of play,
Play in the sun, play in the rain,
Nor ever quarrel or complain; -
And late at night, in the woods of fruit,
Hark! do you hear the passing flute?

I threw one look to either hand,
And knew I was in Fairyland.
And yet one point of being so
I lacked. For, Lady (as you know),
Whoever by his might of hand,
Won entrance into Fairyland,
Found always with admiring eyes
A Fairy princess kind and wise.
It was not long I waited; soon
Upon my threshold, in broad noon,
Gracious and helpful, wise and good,
The Fairy Princess Moe stood.


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