First Parish Unitarian Church

  • Address: 382 Walnut St
  • Vicinity: Warren St
  • Type: Church
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1824/00/00 Brookline votes to build a two-story Town House, across Walnut St from the First Parish Church to hold a school, a meeting hall and Town offices.
1841/09/07 Henry Varnum Poor Groom Mary Wilde Pierce, daughter of Rev John Pierce marries Henry Varnum Poor at the First Congregational Church in Brookline, Massachusetts.
1849/00/00 Augustus Aspinwall Faith St Paul's Episcopal Church is founded by William and Augustus Aspinwall and Harrison Pay, who brought together a group with high integrity and a rare sense of stewardship in the use of wealth. Services are first held in the town hall in Brookline Village.
1849/01/00 William Ingersoll Bowditch Abolitionist In early January, William and Ellen Craft arrive in Boston, and after speaking at the Brookline Town Hall, they stay at the Bowditch House and other Brookline Underground Railroad stops. Ellen and William Craft Run for Freedom
1856/00/00 353 Walnut St, the First Parish Church Rectory is built in 1856. The Rev W H Lyon invites the Olmsted office in 1901 to advise on landscape plantings to screen a prospective neighbor.
1880/11/27 Theodore Roosevelt Groom Alice Hathaway Lee marries Theodore Roosevelt Marriage of Alice Hathaway Lee and Theodore Roosevelt
1880/11/27 Edith Carow Roosevelt Guest Alice Hathaway Lee marries Theodore Roosevelt Marriage of Alice Hathaway Lee and Theodore Roosevelt
1880/11/27 Alice Hathaway Roosevelt Bride Alice Hathaway Lee marries Theodore Roosevelt Marriage of Alice Hathaway Lee and Theodore Roosevelt
1890/00/00 First Parish Church buys the Brookline Town House, they named Pierce Hall in honor of the Rev John Pierce.
1893/00/00 Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge Architect 400 Walnut St, First Paris Church is built in 1893, Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, archtiects.
1893/00/00 Frederick Law Olmsted Sr Benefactor A contract is signed in 1893, with Moses Williams, an Olmsted client and neighbor, serving as the head of the building committee for the Olmsted firm to advise landscape development. Frederick Law Olmsted Sr donates most of the plant material.
1905/00/00 As head of the property committee, Moses Williams donates improvements to the First Parish church property.
1905/11/12 Henry Cabot Lodge Dignitary Brookline's 200th anniversary, Nov 10-13, an oration in the Town Hall by Henry Lodge, dedication of a tablet on the green, Sunday services in all the churches, a display of day and night fireworks at Cypress St Playground and a banquet in the Town Hall.
1907/10/10 Olmsted Brothers Partners and Associates: 1898-1961 Landscape Architect Parish House is dedicated with appropriate ceremonies, First Parish Church, Brookline.
1936/00/00 Olmsted Brothers Partners and Associates: 1898-1961 Landscape Architect Lewis I Prouty, on whose property the Olmsted firm also worked, funds landscape modifications by the Olmsted firm at First Parish Church, 1936-1937.


Chapel Saint Paul's Church and Parish House
  • NRHP

Data »

Particulars for First Parish Unitarian Church:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Building Type Church
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property

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