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Rost Coral Reef

  • Norwegian: Rostrevet

  • Vicinity: Nordland
  • Type: Reef
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Marine Feature

The Rost Reef is a deep-water coral reef situated about 100 kilometres (62 mi) west of the island of Rostlandet in Norway's Lofoten archipelago. Situated on the floor of the Norwegian Sea, the 43 kilometers (27 mi) long by 6.9 kilometers (4.3 mi) wide reef was produced by the coral Lophelia pertusa. Rost Reef is only reachable by submarine. - AsNotedIn

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Rost Coral Reef

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Marine feature Coral Reef
Marine feature Reef

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Particulars for Rost Coral Reef:
Sight Category Marine Feature
Historic Use Natural Feature

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