

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1760/04/00 Marie Antoinette Home The Imperial family typically takes up residence at the Palace of Schonbrunn by Easter. Each Archduchesses is provided with a five room suite in the left wing while the Archdukes receive suites in the right wing.
1774/00/00 Antonio Salieri Work Antonio Salieri is appointed court composer to Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II.
1788/00/00 Antonio Salieri Work Antonio Salieri is selected is the music director to Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II.
1832/07/22 Napoleon Bonaparte II Died Napoleon II dies of tuberculosis at Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna.
1910/04/16 Theodore Roosevelt Visitor Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria-Hungary, gives a dinner at the Schoenbrunn palace in Mr Roosevelt's honor, at which many members of the cabinet and court officials are present. Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition

Data »

Particulars for Schonbrunn Palace:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Building Type Palace
Royal Attribute Royal

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