

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1823/00/00 Rev Nathaniel S Wheaton Visitor Rev Nathaniel Wheaton is sent to England and the Continent acquire books and other material for the Washington College. During this journey, he will carefully study York Minster and other church architecture of England and France.
1849/05/24 Anne Bronte Visitor Charlotte Bronte and Ellen Nussey take Anne Bronte around York in a wheelchair shopping for clothes (bonnets and ribbon for neck) and to visit York Minster. Anne Bronte's Last Trip
1849/05/24 Charlotte Bronte Visitor Charlotte Bronte and Ellen Nussey take Anne Bronte around York in a wheelchair shopping for clothes (bonnets and ribbon for neck) and to visit York Minster. Anne Bronte's Last Trip

Data »

Particulars for Cathedral Church Of St Peter, York Minster:
Area of Significance Architecture
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Building Use Cathedral
Building Type Church
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property

English National Heritage List: 1257222

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