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Menabilly House

  • Vicinity: Menabilly
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

Menabilly, the former home of English author, Daphne du Maurier, is the inspiration for Manderley the country house owned by Maximilian de Winter in the novel Rebecca. - AsNotedIn

We came to the lodge at Four Turnings, as we had been instructed, and opened the creaking iron gates with the bluff and false courage common to the trespasser. The lodge was deserted. No one peered at us from the windows.

Grey, still, silent. The windows were shuttered fast, white and barred. Ivy covered the grey walls and threw tendrils round the windows. It was early still, and the house was sleeping. But later, when the sun was high, there would come no wreath of smoke from the chimneys. The shutters would not be thrown back, nor the doors unfastened. No voices would sound within those darkened rooms. Menabilly would sleep on, like the sleeping beauty of the fairy tale, until someone should come to wake her
Daphne du Maurier

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Menabilly House


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1945/00/00 Daphne Du Maurier Author Suggested by the discovery of a skeleton by William Rashleigh, Du Maurier writes "The King's General" at Menabilly House in Cornwall, England. The King's General

Data »

Particulars for Menabilly House:
Sight Category Building

English National Heritage List: 1210574

Creative Works »

Rebecca (book) Book Daphne Du Maurier Rebecca's fictional Manderley country houses in Cornwall is based on Menabilly in Tywardreath, Cornwall.

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