

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1804/00/00 Senator Jonathan Mason Owner Nichols House is built as one of four townhouses for Jonathan Mason as investments and as future homes for his daughters. Numbers 55 faces west onto Mason's garden, east of Mason's own south-facing mansion (lost).
1804/00/00 Charles Bulfinch Architect Nichols House is built as one of four townhouses for Jonathan Mason. Historians suggest Mason built the townhouses to the east of his own mansion for his four daughters.
1820/00/00 Samuel Dunn Parker Home Samuel and Elizabeth Parker make a home at 55 Mt Vernon Street.
1825/00/00 Elizabeth Mason Parker Home During the first quarter of the C19th, Jonathan Mason's daughter Elizabeth Mason Parker and her husband Samuel occupy the Bullfinch house. One of her descendants will own the property until 1885.
1885/00/00 Margaret Nichols Shurcliff Home Dr Arthur Nichols buys the Bullfinch house for his wife and daughters.
1885/00/00 Rose Standish Nichols Home Dr Arthur Nichols buys the Bullfinch house for his wife and daughters.
1885/00/00 Dr Arthur Howard Nichols Home Dr Arthur Nichols buys the Bullfinch house for his wife and daughters.
1890/00/00 Daisy Pumpelly Smythe Painter Daisy Pumpelly creates an oil on canvas bust length portrait of Rose Standish Nichols at about 18 years of age. The painting depicts Nichols wearing pink scoop-neck dress with white ruffle collar keeping her eyes directed at viewer.
1890/00/00 Rose Standish Nichols Subject Daisy Pumpelly creates an oil on canvas bust length portrait of Rose Standish Nichols at about 18 years of age. The painting depicts Nichols wearing pink scoop-neck dress with white ruffle collar keeping her eyes directed at viewer.
1935/00/00 Rose Standish Nichols Home Rose Nichols inherits the family home. Miss Nichols will care for the townhouse until her death in 1960.

Data »

Particulars for Nichols House Museum:
Area of Significance Architecture
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Architectural Style Federal Style
Museum Type Historical Museum
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling
Building Style Townhouse

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