Bryn Athyn Cathedral

  • Address: 900 Cathedral Rd
  • Vicinity: Huntingdon Pike
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Wetherill P Trout Architect
John Pitcairn Jr Architect
Ralph Adams Cram Architect
1966/08/00 Julie Nixon Eisenhower Mourner When Mamie and the Nixons see each other at the funeral of family friend Raymond Pitcairn, Julie tells Mamie she is going to be attending Smith College and Mamie tells her that David is headed to Amherst College. Marriage of Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower
1966/08/00 Mamie Doud Eisenhower Mourner When Mamie and the Nixons see each other at the funeral of family friend Raymond Pitcairn, Julie tells Mamie she is going to be attending Smith College and Mamie tells her that David is headed to Amherst College. Marriage of Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower

Data »

Particulars for Bryn Athyn Cathedral:
Structure Belfry, Campanile
Sight Category Building
Building Type Church
Architectural Style Gothic
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property
Building Attribute Stained Glass

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