First Parish in Concord

  • Address: 20 Lexington Rd
  • Vicinity: Main St
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1637/00/00 First Parish in Concord first ministers, Peter Bulkeley and John Jones, are formally installed in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
1673/00/00 First Parish in Concord's second meetinghouse (lost) is built between 1667 and 1673. The original meetinghouse was built on the hill on the opposite side of Lexington Rd from the present location of the church.
1711/00/00 First Parish in Concord's third meetinghouse (lost) is built. Renovated in 1791, it was turned 90 degrees to face Lexington Road) in 1841.
1774/00/00 The First Massachusetts Provincial Congress takes place on a site that the First Parish Church Meeting House occupies today.
1774/00/00 In 1774 and 1775, the meetinghouse of the First Parish (lost) is used for Provincial Congress meetings.
1774/00/00 John Hancock Patriot John Hancock leads the Second Congress on a site the First Parish Church Meeting House occupies today.
1775/00/00 In 1775 and 1776, Harvard College uses the First Parish meetinghouse (lost) for classes, which were temporarily moved from Cambridge to Concord for the safety of the students in wartime.
1776/00/00 William Emerson leaves the First Parish (lost) to be a chaplain in the Continental Army. He will die in its service.
1817/10/12 Henry David Thoreau Faith David Henry, son of Cynthia wife of Joh, is baptized by Rev Ezra Ripley. First Parish in Concord (lost).
1841/01/06 Henry David Thoreau Faith Henry David Thoreau signs-off from membership at First Parish Concord (lost).
1845/03/25 Henry David Thoreau Speaker Henry Thoreau lectures on "Concord River" at the Unitarian Church (lost) in Concord, Massachusetts for the Concord Lyceum.
1851/00/00 Henry David Thoreau Work Henry D Thoreau surveys a woodlot to be used for ministerial purposes for the First Parish, the original 1851 manuscript survey for it is in the First Parish records.
1856/00/00 The Parish separation from the municipal government of Concord and hold their first annual Parish meeting. Before 1856, Parish business was transacted at the annual Concord town meeting.
1865/04/30 Ralph Waldo Emerson Faith Ralph W Emerson affirms in writing his membership at First Parish Concord (lost).
1900/04/12 First Parish in Concord third meetinghouse (lost) burns to the ground.
1901/00/00 First Parish in Concord's fourth meetinghouse is built as a reproduction of the old building, 1900-1901.
1961/00/00 The American Unitarian Association merges with the Universalist Church of America, forming the Unitarian Universalist Association. A constitution is adopted and Dana McLean Greeley is made the first president of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
1970/00/00 Dana McLean Greeley Vocation Dana McLean Greeley begins serving as pastor of First Parish in Concord, Massachusetts.
1986/07/19 Dana McLean Greeley In Memoriam A memorial service is held Rev Greeley at the First Parish. Shocked by his loss, First Parish will be two years under the interim minister of Charles Wilson, until the congregation finds his replacement, Gary Smith.


Old Manse
Stow House, Concord

Data »

Particulars for First Parish in Concord:
Area of Significance Architecture
Sight Category Building
Building Type Church
Historic Use Religious Property
Religion Unitarian

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