College of William and Mary, Williamsburg

  • Address: Jamestown Rd
  • Vicinity: Richmond Rd
  • Type: College Campus
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Site



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1946/03/08 Winston Churchill Visitor Mamie and Dwight Eisenhower and Clementine and Winston Churchill tour College of William and Mary. Winston Churchill's 1946 American Tour
1946/03/08 Clementine Hozier Churchill Visitor Mamie and Dwight Eisenhower and Clementine and Winston Churchill tour College of William and Mary. Winston Churchill's 1946 American Tour
1946/03/08 Mamie Doud Eisenhower Visitor Mamie and Dwight Eisenhower and Clementine and Winston Churchill tour College of William and Mary. Winston Churchill's 1946 American Tour
1946/03/08 Dwight D Eisenhower Visitor Mamie and Dwight Eisenhower and Clementine and Winston Churchill tour College of William and Mary. Winston Churchill's 1946 American Tour

Data »

Particulars for College of William and Mary, Williamsburg:
Education College Campus
Area of Significance Education
Sight Category Site
Institution of Higher Education University

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