Floridian section

  • Vicinity: Southeastern United States
  • Type: Physiographic Section



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1886/00/00 Reasoners' Royal Palm Nurseries Inc Begun Pliny Reasoner acquires several young Royal Palm trees from the south gulf coast of Florida. With this these, Reasoner Brothers's nursery becomes the first in the country to propagate and sell Royal Palms. They will rename their company after the plant.
1886/00/00 Pliny W Reasoner Work Pliny Reasoner acquires several young Royal Palm trees from the south gulf coast of Florida. With this these, Reasoner Brothers's nursery becomes the first in the country to propagate and sell Royal Palms. They will rename their company after the plant.


Florida Keys Archipelago
Trail Ridge Ridge

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Physiographic Region Physiographic Section

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