

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1826/00/00 Excavation begins on a private residence at Boulevard Street No 11. The remains of the ancient predecessor of Odessa, Istrian harbor, will be revealed during the construction.
1828/00/00 A private residence, designed by architect Francesco Boffo in the early Italian Renaissance style, is erected between 1826-1828 over looking Odessa Harbour at Boulevard Street No 11.
1846/00/00 Jean-Batiste Karuta, a French confectioner, opens the Londonskaya Hotel.
1900/00/00 The Londonskaya Hotel is significantly remodeled under the direction of architect J M Dmitrenko, 1899-1900.

Data »

Particulars for Londonskaya Hotel:
Area of Significance Architecture
Sight Category Building
Area of Design Decorative Arts
Historic Use Hotel
Art Movement Italian Renaissance Revival
Area of Significance Social History

Accommodations »

Lodging Attribute Grand Hotel
Lodging Style Hotel

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