Sansevero Chapel Museum

  • Also Known As: Chapel of Santa Maria della Pieta
  • Italian: Museo Cappella Sansevero

  • Address: 19 Via Francesco de Sanctis
  • Vicinity: N of Pza S Domenico Maggiore
  • Urban District of San Lorenzo in Naples
  • Type: Church
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

Sansevero Chapel Museum is an 16th century Baroque chapel in Naples, Italy, notable for its architecture, decorative details, sculptures and painting. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1590/00/00 A private chapel is constructed in the gardens of the Palazzo Sansevero in Naples for John Francesco di Sangro, Duke of Torremaggiore.
1752/00/00 Antonio Corradini Sculptor Antonio Corradini completes "Modesty", also know as Chastity or Veiled Truth. Raimondo di Sangro commissioned Corradini to sculpt a memorial for his mother in the Cappella Sansevero in Naples. Modesty (Corradini)
1753/00/00 Giuseppe Sanmartino Sculptor Giuseppe Sanmartino completes "Veiled Christ" for Raimondo di Sangro, a prince of Sansevero. Carved from a single block of white marble, it is to be the centerpiece of Sangro's private chapel in the gardens of the Palazzo Sansevero in Naples, Italy. Veiled Christ (Strazza)
1759/00/00 Francesco Queirolo carves "Release from Deception" from a single piece of marble, 1752-1759. Il Disinganno (Queirolo)

Data »

Particulars for Sansevero Chapel Museum:
Area of Significance Architecture
Area of Significance Art
Art Style Baroque
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Chapel
Building Type Church
Area of Design Decorative Arts
Historic Use Graves, burials
Museum Type Historical Museum
Building Use Mausoleum
Art Type Mural
Museum Type Museum
Art Type Painting
Fine Art Relief Sculpture
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property

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