AsNotedIn: National Underground Railroad: Network To Freedom

US National Park Service

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The Underground Railroad refers to the effort - sometimes spontaneous, sometimes highly organized - to assist persons held in bondage in North America to escape from slavery. Historic places along the Underground Railroad are testament of African American capabilities. The network provided an opportunity for sympathetic white Americans to play a role in resisting slavery, and brought together, however uneasily at times, men and women of both races to begin to set aside assumptions about the other race and to work together on issues of mutual concern. At the most dramatic level, the Underground Railroad provided stories of guided escapes from the South, rescues of arrested fugitives in the North, complex communication systems, and individual acts of bravery and suffering in the quest for freedom for all. - NPS


Uncle Tom's Cabin (book) Novel


Unionville Hamlet Maryland
George and Susan Hillard House Townhouse Boston
William Ingersoll Bowditch House Brookline, MA
Independence Hall Philadelphia, PA
John Johnson House Philadelphia, PA
Harriet Beecher Stowe House Hartford
Lewis and Harriet Hayden House Townhouse Boston
Beecher Hall, Illinois College Jacksonville
Harriet Beecher Stowe House Brunswick
Dr Richard Eells House Quincy
Levi Coffin House Fountain City
Old Courthouse Gateway Arch National Park
Petersburg Courthouse Petersburg
Seven Chimneys Westwood
Plymouth Church New York City
Lucas Beecher House Sandusky
Harriet Beecher Stowe House Cincinnati, OH
Western Reserve Academy Hudson
A A Bancroft House Granville
House Of Four Pillars Maumee
John Brown Farmhouse Hudson
Daniel Howell Hise House Salem
Bruin's Slave Jail Alexandria
Tabor Antislavery Historic District Tabor
The Barnes-Hiscock House Syracuse, NY
Philbrick House Brookline, MA


Ellen and William Craft Run for Freedom


Last Name Name AsNotedIn
Stowe: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Beecher: Henry Ward Beecher
Henson: Josiah Henson
Coffin: Levi Coffin
Brown: Owen Brown
Bowditch: William Ingersoll Bowditch

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