Tag: Periodical

Category: Narrative Arts


The Negro Motorist Green Book (travel guide) Guidebook


Last Name Name AsNotedIn
AGNI: AGNI (magazine)
All the Year Round: All the Year Round
All-Story Magazine: All-Story Magazine (US)
Amazing Stories: Amazing Stories
American Heritage: American Heritage magazine
Analog Science Fiction and Fact: Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Argosy: Argosy (UK short story magazine)
Argosy: Argosy (US magazine)
Belgravia magazine: Belgravia magazine
Black and White: Black and White (English magazine)
Blackwood's Magazine: Blackwood's Magazine
Bow Bells magazine: Bow Bells magazine
Boy's Own Paper: Boy's Own Paper
Burton's Gentleman's Magazine: Burton's Gentleman's Magazine
Cassell's Magazine: Cassell's Magazine
Cassell's Saturday Journal: Cassell's Saturday Journal
Chambers's Journal: Chambers's Journal
Collier's Weekly: Collier's Weekly
Commentary magazine: Commentary magazine
Cosmopolitan magazine: Cosmopolitan magazine
Daily Express: Daily Express
Dollar Newspaper: Dollar Newspaper (Philadelphia)
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine: Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
English Review: English Review
Everybody's Magazine: Everybody's Magazine
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly: Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly
Galaxy Science Fiction: Galaxy Science Fiction
Gentlewoman: Gentlewoman
George Redway: George Redway
Gil Blas: Gil Blas (magazine)
Godey's Lady's Book: Godey's Lady's Book (magazine)
Graham's Magazine: Graham's Magazine
Harper's Magazine: Harper's Magazine
Harper's Weekly: Harper's Weekly
Hearst's International: Hearst's International
Home Monthly: Home Monthly (Pittsburgh)
Household Words: Household Words
Hutchinson's Adventure and Mystery Story: Hutchinson's Adventure and Mystery Story
Hutchinson's Magazine: Hutchinson's Magazine
Indianapolis Journal: Indianapolis Journal
Infinity Science Fiction: Infinity Science Fiction
Ivers, London: Ivers, London
Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper
London Society: London Society
Los anales de Buenos Aires: Los anales de Buenos Aires
Louisville Courier-Journal: Louisville Courier-Journal
Macmillan's Magazine: Macmillan's Magazine
McClure's Magazine: McClure's Magazine
Munsey's Magazine: Munsey's Magazine
Nash's Magazine: Nash's Magazine
Nash's Pall Mall Magazine: Nash's Pall Mall Magazine
Neue Rundschau: Neue Rundschau
New York Herald: New York Herald
New York Herald Tribune: New York Herald Tribune
New York Times: New York Times
New York Tribune: New York Tribune
New York World: New York World
News of the World: News of the World
Pearson's Magazine: Pearson's Magazine
Philadelphia Saturday Courier: Philadelphia Saturday Courier
Planet Stories: Planet Stories
Playboy: Playboy
Punch: Punch (magazine)
Putnam's Monthly: Putnam's Monthly
Rinehart and Company: Rinehart and Company
Rolling Stone: Rolling Stone (magazine)
San Francisco Chronical: San Francisco Chronical
Scribner's Magazine: Scribner's Magazine
Shincho: Shincho
Southern Literary Messenger: Southern Literary Messenger
Strand Magazine: Strand Magazine (US)
Teikoku Bungaku magazine: Teikoku Bungaku magazine
Temple Bar magazine: Temple Bar magazine
The American Magazine: The American Magazine
Atlantic Monthly: The Atlantic Monthly
Century Magazine: The Century Magazine
Cornhill Magazine: The Cornhill Magazine
The Dial: The Dial (literary magazine)
Dial: The Dial (Transcendentalist journal)
The Flag of Our Union: The Flag of Our Union
Galaxy magazine: The Galaxy magazine
Grand Magazine: The Grand Magazine
The Idler: The Idler
Illustrated London News: The Illustrated London News
Junior Munsey: The Junior Munsey
The Liberal: The Liberal
The Literary Pageant: The Literary Pageant
London Mercury: The London Mercury
The Ludgate Weekly Magazine: The Ludgate Weekly Magazine
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
The Manchester Weekly Times: The Manchester Weekly Times
New England Magazine: The New England Magazine, 1884 to 1917
New Yorker: The New Yorker
New-England Magazine: The New-England Magazine, 1831 to 1835
The Novel Magazine: The Novel Magazine
The Outlook: The Outlook (New York City)
Pall Mall Gazette: The Pall Mall Gazette
Pall Mall Magazine: The Pall Mall Magazine
The People: The People (British newspaper)
The Pioneer: The Pioneer (Literary Magazine)
Royal Magazine: The Royal Magazine
Saturday Evening Post: The Saturday Evening Post
Sketch: The Sketch (magazine)
The Smart Set: The Smart Set
The Sporting News: The Sporting News
The Star: The Star
Story-Teller: The Story-Teller
Strand Magazine: The Strand Magazine
The Sunlight Yearbook: The Sunlight Yearbook
The Times: The Times, London
The Twilight Zone Magazine: The Twilight Zone Magazine
The Westminster Gazette: The Westminster Gazette
TIME magazine: TIME magazine
Top-Notch: Top-Notch
Vanity Fair: Vanity Fair magazine
Weird Tales: Weird Tales (magazine)
Western Story Magazine: Western Story Magazine
Windsor Magazine: Windsor Magazine
Woman's Journal: Woman's Journal (British magazine)

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