
Searchable, Sortable, List of Notable Events


Name AsNotedIn
Name AsNotedIn
10th Academy Awards
1638 Voyage of the JOHN OF LONDON
1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1776 American Revolution - The Early Stages
1778 American Revolutionary - Britain Invades The South
1778 France Enters the American Revolution
1781 American Revolution - After Yorktown
1793 Philadelphia Yellow Fever Epidemic
1878 Exposition Universelle
1886 Charleston Earthquake
1889 Exposition Universelle
1900 Exposition Universelle
1901 Pan-American Exposition
1925 Santa Barbara Earthquake
1933 Long Beach Earthquake
1939 New York World's Fair
1964 New York World's Fair
45th Academy Awards
50th Anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence
5th Academy Awards
A Century of Progress International Exposition
Aaron Burr Conspiracy
Aaron Burr's Birthday
Abraham Baldwin's Birthday
Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
Ad Reinhardt's Birthday
Alden B Dow's Birthday
Alexander Gallatin McNutt's Birthday
Alfred G Vanderbilt's Birthday
Amelia Earhart's Birthday
Amelia Earhart's World Flight
Amelita Galli-Curci's Birthday
American Bank Holiday of 1933
American Colonies Declare Independence from Great Britain
American Prohibition
American Revolution - From Protest to Revolt
American Women's Suffrage
Andrew Adams's Birthday
Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Birthday
Ansel Adams's Birthday
Arrival of the Picture Postcard
Arthur Middleton's Birthday
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Assassination of James Garfield
Assassination of Jean Jaures
Assassination of John F Kennedy
Assassination of William McKinley
Astor Expedition
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Audrey Hepburn's Birthday
Aviation Spans the Atlantic
Babe Ruth and the Birth of Modern Cancer Treatment
Babe Ruth's Birthday
Bacon's Rebellion
Barack Obama's Birthday
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Bladensburg
Battle of Brandywine
Battle of Chancellorsville
Battle of Dutch Harbor
Battle of Franklin
Battle of Fredericksburg
Battle of Hampton Roads
Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
Battle of Long Island
Battle of Midway
Battle of Missionary Ridge
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of Perryville
Battle of Princeton
Battle of Rhode Island
Battle of Richmond 1862
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of South Mountain
Battle of the Atlantic
Battle of the Somme
Battle of the Wilderness
Battles at the River Raisin
Battles of Appomattox Station and Court House
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Beginning of the American Civil War
Benedict Arnold's Birthday
Benjamin Franklin's Birthday
Benjamin Harrison V Birthday
Benjamin West's Birthday
Bill Monroe's Birthday
Billy Wilder's Birthday
Bing Crosby's Birthday
Birth of American Fast Food
Birth of Modern Architecture
Birth of Naval Aviation
Birth of the American Railroads
Black Hills Expedition of 1874
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Brown and Root and Johnson
Brown v Board of Education
Buddy Holly and the Crickets Final UK Tour
Buddy Holly's Birthday
Building the Panama Canal
Burns Night
Cab Calloway's Birthday
Capote's Black and White Ball
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
Capture of USS Chesapeake
Carl Sandburg's Birthday
Centennial Exposition 1876
Century 21 Exposition
Charles A Platt's Birthday
Charles C Pinckney's Birthday
Charles Dickens' 1867 Tour of America
Charles Francis Adams's Birthday
Charles Lindbergh's Birthday
Charles Looff's Birthday
Charles Pinckney's Birthday
Charleston's Great Fire of 1861
Cholera Invades the West
Christopher Columbus' Second Voyage to the New World
Christopher Gadsden's Birthday
Christopher Wren's Birthday
Chuck Berry's Birthday
Cleveland Abbe's Birthday
Climate Change
Cocheco Massacre
Commonwealth v Richard Randolph
Compromise of 1850
Conrad Poppenhusen's Birthday
Cooper Union Speech
Cork Jazz Festival
Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
Cuban Missile Crisis
Custer's Centennial Campaign
D Day: Operation Neptune
Daniel Guggenheim's Birthday
Daniel Webster In England
Daniel Webster's Funeral
Daphne Du Maurier's Birthday
Dartmouth College v Woodward
David Adler's Birthday
David Rittenhouse's Birthday
Davy Crockett's Birthday
Death of Laurie Bird
Death of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Death of Ulysses S Grant
Death of US President William Harrison
Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt
Developing the Atomic Bomb
Diego Rivera's Birthday
Dolley Madison's Birthday
Douglas Adams' Birthday
Dr William Thornton's Birthday
Dred Scott v Stanford
Dylan Thomas' Birthday
Dynamiting of the Los Angles Times building
E C Segar's Birthday
E E Cummings Birthday
E L Doctorow's Birthday
Edgar Allen Poe's Birthday
Edith Wharton's Birthday
Edward Hopper's Birthday
Edward Rutledge's Birthday
El Reno Fried Onion Burger Day Festival
Eliza Lucas Pinckney's Birthday
Elizabeth Ann Seton's Birthday
Ellen and William Craft Run for Freedom
Ellen Biddle Shipman's Birthday
Elvis Presley's Birthday
End of the American Civil War
Erik Larson's Birthday
Ernest Hemingway's Birthday
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius 79 AD
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Establishment of the First Catholic Orphanage in the United States
Establishment of the Shaw Memorial
Establishment of the United Nations
Ethan Allen's Birthday
Evacuation of Dunkirk
Expedition to the North Pole
Exposition internationale des arts decoratifs et industriels modernes, Paris
F Scott Fitzgerald's Birthday
Fall of Richmond 1865
Ferdinand Magellan's Voyage of Circumnavigation
First Battle of Bull Run
First Continental Congress
First Open Heart Surgery
First Thanksgivings
First Voyage of James Cook
Flight of Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Cabinet
Forbes Expedition
Francis Davis Millet's Birthday
Frank Abagnale's Birthday
Frank Lloyd Wright's Birthday
Franklin's Mission to Canada
Frederic Remington's Birthday
Frederick Law Olmsted Jr's Birthday
Frederick Law Olmsted's Birthday
Frederick Von Steuben's Birthday
Frederick Weyerhaeuser's Birthday
Fremont's First Expedition
Fremont's Third Expedition
Frida Kahlo's Birthday
Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
Funeral for Albert Henry Loeb
Funeral for Dolley Madison
Funeral of Abraham Lincoln
Funeral of Edgar Allan Poe
Funeral of Eliza Pinckney
Funeral of General Richard Montgomery
Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival
George Armstrong Custer's Birthday
George B McClellan's Birthday
George Ferris's Birthday
George Perkins Marsh's Birthday
George Washington 1795 Sitting
George Washington's Birthday
George Washington's Southern Tour
Gibbons v Ogden
Gilbert Stanley Underwood's Birthday
Gilbert Stuart's Birthday
Grace Kelly's Birthday
Grant Achatz's Birthday
Grant Wood's Birthday
Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
Great Boston Fire of 1872
Great Chicago Fire
Great Fire of London
Great Flood of 1913
Great Locomotive Chase
Great Natchez Tornado of 1840
Great New England Hurricane of 1938
Great New York City Fire of 1776
Great Portland Fire of 1866
Great Purge of 1937
H P Lovecraft's Birthday
Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907
Hamlin Garland's Birthday
Hampton Sides's Birthday
Hank Aaron Breaks Babe Ruth's Home Run Record
Hank Aaron's Birthday
Hans Christian Andersen's Birthday
Harold Lloyd's Birthday
Harrie T Lindeberg's Birthday
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Birthday
Harriman Alaska Expedition
Harry F Guggenheim's Birthday
Harry S Truman's Birthday
Helen Keller's Birthday
Hemingway and Gellhorn's WWII Spy Mission
Henry Flagler's Birthday
Henry James's Birthday
Henry Middleton's Birthday
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Birthday
Hindenburg Disaster
History of Fire Safety
History of Harvard Medical School
Homestead Strike
Hough Riots
Hurd et al v The Rock Island Bridge Company
Hurricane Katrina
I M Pei's Birthday
Imperial Japan Surrenders
Influenza Pandemic of 1918
International Exhibition of 1862
International Exhibition of Modern Art, Armory Show
Introduction of the Ford Model T
Invention of Dynamite
Invention of Electric Railway
Invention of Gas Lighting
Invention of Interchangeable Parts
Invention of Public Electricity Supply
Invention of Reinforced Concrete
Invention of the Automobile Turn Signal
Invention of the Cotton Gin
Invention of the Lightning Rod
Invention of the Steamboat
Invention of the Submarine
Invention of the Telegraph
Invention of Vinyl Phonograph Record
Invention of Wireless Communications
Iris Barry's London Loves
Iroquois Theatre Fire
J P Morgan's Birthday
Jack Johnson's Birthday
Jack Jouett's Midnight Ride
Jack the Ripper - The Whitechapel Murders
Jackson Pollock's Birthday
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis's Birthday
James Alfred Roosevelt's Birthday
James Bailey's Birthday
James Ewell Brown Stuart's Birthday
James Madison's Birthday
James Renwick's Birthday
Jane Addams' Birthday
JFK Presidential Election
John Adams's Birthday
John Alsop's Birthday
John C Fremont's Birthday
John Dandridge Bibb's Birthday
John F Kennedy and Ms Von Post Affair
John F Kennedy's Birthday
John Ford's Birthday
John Hancock's Birthday
John Jacob Astor's Birthday
John Jacob Astor's Funeral
John Jay's Birthday
John McComb's Birthday
John Muir's Birthday
John Quincy Adams' Birthday
John Scull's Birthday
John Steinbeck's Birthday
John Updike's Birthday
Josephine Baker's Birthday
Julia Child's Birthday
Julia Morgan's Birthday
Julian Petroleum Scandal
Kate Chopin's Birthday
Kate Sessions's Birthday
King George and Queen Elizabeth Visit the New York World's Fair
King George and Queen Elizabeth White House Banquet
King George and Queen Elizabeth's New York World's Fair Lunch
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth State Visit of Canada
King George's War
Kit Carson's Birthday
Kittanning Expedition, French and Indian War
Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
Laura Ingalls Wilder's Birthday
Laurence Rockefeller's Birthday
Leading to the Siege of Yorktown
League of Nations
Leavitt Hunt's Grand Tour
Lee Krasner's Birthday
Lemmon v New York
Leonardo da Vinci's Birthday
Leopold and Loeb Trial
Lew Wallace's Birthday
Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis v Lewis
Lilian Rice's Birthday
Lincoln Douglas 1858 Senatorial Campaign
Lindbergh's Transatlantic Flight: New York to Paris
Lloyd Bacon's Birthday
Louis Armstrong's Birthday
Louisa May Alcott's Birthday
Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Love Affair of Vera de Bosset and Igor Stravinsky
Ludlow Massacre
Ludwig van Beethoven's Birthday
Lynching of Benjamin Hance
Making of McDonald's Restaurants
Marbury v Madison
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Mark Twain's Birthday
Marquis de Lafayette's Birthday
Marriage of Abigail Smith and John Adams
Marriage of Alice Hathaway Lee and Theodore Roosevelt
Marriage of Alicia Patterson and Harry Frank Guggenheim
Marriage of Alva Smith and William K Vanderbilt
Marriage of Ann Fitzsimmons and Wade Hampton
Marriage of Anna Maria Mason and Sydney Smith Lee
Marriage of Anne Ophelia Smith and Hancock Banning
Marriage of Annie Ellicott Kennedy and John Bidwell
Marriage of Barbara Hutton and Cary Grant
Marriage of Bessie Springs Smith and Stanford White
Marriage of Byra L "Puck" Whittlesey and Jack Hemingway
Marriage of Caroline Hampton and John S Preston
Marriage of Catherine of France and King Henry V of England
Marriage of Clementine Hozier and Winston Churchill
Marriage of Constance Lloyd and Oscar Wilde
Marriage of Consuelo Vanderbilt and Charles Spencer-Churchill
Marriage of Dorothy Quincy and John Hancock
Marriage of Eleanor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt
Marriage of Eliza Lucas and Charles Pinckney
Marriage of Elizabeth Halleck and George W Cullum
Marriage of Elizabeth Hamilton and Henry Halleck
Marriage of Elizabeth Pinckney and William Lowndes
Marriage of Elizabeth Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton
Marriage of Esther Edwards and Aaron Burr
Marriage of Fanny Appleton and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Marriage of Frances Folsom and Grover Cleveland
Marriage of Francis Lightfoot Lee and Rebecca Tayloe
Marriage of Hannah Strong and Charles Smith
Marriage of Helen Dinsmore Huntington and Vincent Astor
Marriage of Jacqueline Bouvier and John F Kennedy
Marriage of Jeanne-Emilie Baheux de Puysieux and Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
Marriage of Julia Stockton and Benjamin Rush
Marriage of Kate Dickens and Charles Allston Collins
Marriage of Katharine Littlefield and Nathanael Greene
Marriage of Katrina Trask and George Foster Peabody
Marriage of Lucretia Cromwell and Edward Stotesbury
Marriage of Martha Hilton and Benning Wentworth
Marriage of Mary T Pickman and George B Loring
Marriage of Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln
Marriage of Mary Turner and Daniel Sargent
Marriage of Pauline Pfeiffer and Ernest Hemingway
Marriage of Sarah Middleton and Charles Pinckney
Marriage of Sarah Nicoll Clinch and John Lawrence Smith
Marriage of Sarah Shelton and Patrick Henry
Marriage of Susan Patton and George Hugh Smith
Marriage of Susan Thornton Glassell and George Smith Patton
Marriage of Zelda Sayre and F Scott Fitzgerald
Martin Luther King Jr Funeral
Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday
Mary Pickford's Birthday
Maryland's Act of Establishment
Maud Hart Lovelace's Birthday
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Modern Anesthesia
Murder of Stanford White
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Birthday
Nathaniel Lyon's Birthday
New Madrid Earthquakes
New Musical ExpressPoll 1962-1963 Winners' Concert
New Musical ExpressPoll 1964 Winners' Concert
New Musical ExpressPoll 1965 Winners' Concert
New Musical ExpressPoll 1966 Winners' Concert
Newport Jazz Festival
Noble Train of Artillery
Nullification Crisis
Opening of Tourism in Hawaii
Operation Overlord
Oscar Wilde's 1882 Lecture Tour Of America
Oscar Wilde's Birthday
Owen Wister's Birthday
Palace of Westminster Fire, 1834
Panama-California Exposition
Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco
Panic of 1857
Panic of 1873
Panic of 1893
Panic of 1907
Parker Cleaveland's Birthday
Patrick Henry Receives His Law License
Patrick Henry's Birthday
Patriot Raid on Fort William and Mary
Patsy Cline's Birthday
Paul Revere's Birthday
Paulet Affair
Performance of Stainer's Crucifixion
Peter Francisco's Birthday
Peter Stuyvestant's Birthday
Pierre C Cartier's Birthday
Pierre Toussaint's Birthday
Pine Tree Riot
Pizza Arrives in America
Powell Geographic Expedition of 1869
Powell's Second Expedition
President Woodrow Wilson's Funeral
President-Elect Lincoln's Journey to Washington
Publishing of the Federalist Papers
Ralph J Bunche's Birthday
Ray Kroc's Birthday
Richard Allen's Birthday
Richard M Nixon's Birthday
Richmond Theatre Fire
Rise of the Lighthouse
Robbing of A T Stewart's Grave
Robert E Lee's Birthday
Robert F Kennedy's Birthday
Robert Field Stockton's Birthday
Robert Oppenheimer's Birthday
Robert S Abbott's Birthday
Robert Todd Lincoln's Birthday
Robert Trent Jones's Birthday
Ronald Reagan's Birthday
Salem Witch Trials
Samuel Adams's Birthday
Samuel McIntire's Birthday
Sarah Orne Jewett's Birthday
Scott v Emerson
Second Battle of Bull Run
Second Battle of Ypres
Second Continental Congress
Second Schleswig War
Second Voyage of James Cook
September 11th Attacks
Seven Years' War
Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival
Sherman's March to the Sea
Siege of Boston
Siege of Petersburg
Siege of Yorktown
Siege of Yorktown (1862)
Sinking of the RMS Lusitania
Sinking of the RMS Titanic
Slavery In America
Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition
Solomon R Guggenheim's Birthday
Solon H Borglum's Birthday
South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition
Spanish-American War
Stanford White's Birthday
State Exchange Bank Robbery
Stendhal's Birthday
Stephen King's Birthday
Steven Spielberg's Birthday
Stevensons' Voyage aboard the EQUATOR
Stevensons' Voyage on the CASCO
Stevensons' Voyage on the JANET NICOLL
Stock Market Crash of 1929
Teapot Dome Scandal
Thayer Expedition
The Charity Song
The Closing of Staatliches Bauhaus
The Commonwealth of Kentucky vs Abraham Lincoln
The Jazz Age
The Midnight Ride
The Trial of Lizzie Borden
Theodore Tilton v Henry Ward Beecher
Third Voyage of James Cook
Thomas Adams's Birthday
Thomas Eakins's Birthday
Thomas Edison's Birthday
Thomas Hardy's Birthday
Thomas Hart Benton's Birthday
Thomas Jefferson's Birthday
Thomas Keller's Birthday
Thomas Lynch Jr's Birthday
Thomas Lynch Sr's Birthday
Thomas Paine's Birthday
Thomas Pinckney's Birthday
Thomas Wolfe's Birthday
Thurgood Marshall's Birthday
Trail of Tears
Transits of Venus
Treaty of Gent
Treaty of New Echota
Treaty of Portsmouth
Treaty of Trianon
Treaty of Versailles
Trial of Anne Hutchinson
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Truman Capote's Birthday
U-2 Spy Plane Incident
United Kingdom Enters World War II
United States Exploring Expedition
United States Military Academy Class of 1829
United States v The Amistad
Vincent van Gogh's Birthday
Voyage of Discovery on the Chesapeake
Voyage of the 'Snark'
Walt Disney's Birthday
Walter I Anderson's Birthday
Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route
Wellington Avalanche
Whiskey Rebellion
William Gaston's Birthday
William Henry Harrison's Birthday
William K Vanderbilt II's Birthday
William Randolph Hearst's Birthday
William Sidney Mount's Birthday
William Steinway's Birthday
William T Sherman's Birthday
William West Durant's Birthday
Winston Churchill's Birthday
Winston Churchill's Funeral
Winston Churchill, Member of Parliment
Woodrow Wilson's Birthday
World Cotton Centennial
World War II Begins
World War II Ends
World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago
Zane Grey's Birthday

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