French Literature

Searchable, Sortable, List of Notable French Literature


Last Name Name AsNotedIn
Last Name Name AsNotedIn
Balzac: Honore de Balzac
Camus: Albert Camus
Cocteau: Jean Cocteau
de Beauvoir: Simone de Beauvoir
Flaubert: Gustave Flaubert
France: Anatole France
Genet: Jean Genet
Guy de Maupassant: Guy de Maupassant
Hugo: Victor Hugo
Huysmans: Joris-Karl Huysmans
Madame de La Fayette: Madame de La Fayette
Proust: Marcel Proust
Stendhal: Stendhal
Verne: Jules Verne
Zola: Emile Zola


Ile-de-France France


A Void Georges Perec
A Woman's Life (Maupassant book) Guy de Maupassant
Agains the Grain Joris-Karl Huysmans
Arcanum 17 Andre Breton
Around the World in Eighty Days (book) Jules Verne
Bel-Ami (book) Guy de Maupassant
Belle du Seigneur Abraham Albert Cohen
Bonjour Tristesse Francoise Sagan
Bouvard and Pecuchet Gustave Flaubert
Candide Voltaire
Claudine's House Colette
Day of the Dolphin Robert Merle
Death Sentence Maurice Blanchot
Delta of Venus (book) Anais Nin
Diary of a Country Priest
Georges Bernanos
Down There Joris-Karl Huysmans
Drunkard Emile Zola
Elementary Particles Michel Houellebecq
Euegnie Grandet Honore de Balzac
Exercises in Style Raymond Queneau
Fantomas Marcel Allain Pierre Souvestre
Friday, or, The Other Island Michel Tournier
Froth on the Daydream Boris Vian
Gargantua and Pantagruel Francois Rabelais
Germinal Emile Zola
Impressions of Africa Raymond Roussel
In Search of Lost Time (book) Marcel Proust
Jacques the Fatalist Denis Diderot
Jealousy Alain Robbe-Grillet
Jean de Florette (book) Marcel Pagnol
Journal, 1887-1910 Jules Renard
Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne
Journey to the End of the Night Louis Ferdinand Celine
Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue Marquis de Sade
La Bete Humaine Emile Zola
La joie de vivre (book)
Emile Zola
Le Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac
Les Enfants Terribles (book) Jean Cocteau
Les Liaisons Dangereuses Cholderlos De Laclos
Les Miserables (book) Victor Hugo
Life: A User's Manual Georges Perec
Locus Solus Raymond Roussel
Lost Illusions Honore de Balzac
Madame Bovary (book) Gustave Flaubert
Maldoror Comte de Lautreamont
Man's Fate Andre Malraux
Manon des sources (book) Marcel Pagnol
Nadja Andre Breton
Nana (book) Emile Zola
Nausea Jean-Paul Sartre
Our Lady of the Flowers Jean Genet
Pierre et Jean Guy de Maupassant
Platform Michel Houellebecq
Princesse de Cleves (book) Madame de La Fayette
Rameau's Nephew Denis Diderot
Retreat Without Song Shahan Shahnoor
Sentimental Education (book) Gustave Flaubert
Story of the Eye Georges Bataille
Strait is the gate Andre Gide
Thais Anatole France
The 120 days of Sodom Marquis de Sade
The Abbot C Georges Bataille
The Bells of Basel (book) Louis Aragon
The Blue of Noon Georges Bataille
The Charterhouse of Parma Stendhal
The Count of Monte-Cristo (book) Alexandre Dumas Auguste Maquet
The Counterfeiters Andre Gide
The Devil in the Flesh Raymond Radiguet
The Devil's Pool Georges Sand
The Fruits of the Earth Andre Gide
The Immoralist Andre Gide
The Inferno Henri Barbusse
The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Lover Marguerite Duras
The Mandarins Simone de Beauvoir
The Mystery of the Yellow Room Gaston Leroux
The Nun Denis Diderot
The Opposing Shore Julien Gracq
The Outsider Albert Camus
The Plague Albert Camus
The Ravishing of Lol Stein Marguerite Duras
The Rebel Albert Camus
The Red and the Black (book) Stendhal
The Seventh Hypothesis
Paul Halter
The Story of O Pauline Reage
The Tendrils of the Vine Colette
The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas Auguste Maquet
The Vice-Consul Marguerite Duras
Therese Raquin Emile Zola
Things Georges Perec
Under Fire: The Story of a Squad Henri Barbusse
Under Satan's Sun Georges Bernanos
Viper's Tangle Francois Mauriac
W, or the Memory of Childhood Georges Perec
Whatever Michel Houellebecq
Zazie in the Metro Raymond Queneau

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