1101 Park Avenue (book) |
Eric S Hatch
A Boy's Own Story |
Edmund White
A Confederacy of Dunces |
John Kennedy Toole
A Death in the Family |
James Agee
A Farewell to Arms |
Ernest Hemingway
A House in the Uplands |
Erskine Caldwell
A Prayer for Owen Meany |
John Irving
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (book) |
Mark Twain
Against the Day |
Thomas Pynchon
All Summer in a Day |
Ray Bradbury
All the King's Men (book) |
Robert Penn Warren
All the Pretty Horses |
Cormac McCarthy
American Pastoral |
Philip Roth
American Psycho |
Bret Easton Ellis
An American Tragedy |
Theodore Dreiser
Anagrams |
Lorrie Moore
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret |
Judy Blume
Arundel (book) |
Kenneth Roberts
At The Mountains of Madness (book) |
H P Lovecraft
Babbitt |
Sinclair Lewis
Beloved |
Toni Morrisson
Bernice Bobs Her Hair (short story) |
F Scott Fitzgerald
Black Spring |
Henry Valentine Miller
Blind Man with a Pistol |
Chester Himes
Blood and Guts in High School |
Kathy Acker
Blood Meridian |
Cormac McCarthy
Breakfast at Tiffany's (book) |
Truman Capote
Bunner Sisters |
Edith Wharton
Cat's Cradle |
Kurt Vonnegut
Catch-22 (book) |
Joseph Heller
Cigarettes |
Harry Matthews
Contact |
Carl Sagan
Cutter and Bone |
Newton Thornburg
Dangling Man |
Saul Bellow
Deliverance (book) |
James Dickey
Democracy |
Joan Didion
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (book) |
Philip K Dick
Dog Soldiers |
Robert Stone
East of Eden |
John Steinbeck
Ethan Frome (book) |
Edith Wharton
Everything is Illuminated |
Jonathan Safran Foer
Everything that Rises must Converge (short story collection) |
Flannery O'Connor
Falconer |
John Cheever
Falling Man |
Don DeLillo
Fear of Flying |
Erica Jong
Flappers and Philosophers |
F Scott Fitzgerald
For Whom the Bell Tolls |
Ernest Hemingway
Foundation (book) |
Isaac Asimov
Foundation and Empire (book) |
Isaac Asimov
Franny and Zooey (book) |
J D Salinger
Get Shorty |
Elmore Leonard
Giles Goat Boy |
John Barth
Giovanni's Room |
James Baldwin
Go Tell it on the Mountain |
James Baldwin
Gone With the Wind (book) |
Margaret Mitchell
Gravity's Rainbow |
Thomas Pynchon
Herzog (book) |
Saul Bellow
Humboldt's Gift |
Saul Bellow
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings |
Maya Angelou
I Robot |
Isaac Asimov
I Thought of Daisy (book) |
Edmund Wilson
In Cold Blood (book) |
Truman Capote
In Watermelon Sugar |
Richard Brautigan
Infinite Jest (book) |
David Foster Wallace
Interview With a Vampire (book) |
Ann Rice
Invisible Man (Ellison book) |
Ralph Ellison
It Can't Happen Here (book) |
Sinclair Lewis
Jonah's Gourd Vine: A Novel |
Zora Neale Hurston
Junkie |
William S Burroughs
La Brava |
Elmore Leonard
Last of the Mohicans |
James Fenimore Cooper
Like Life |
Lorrie Moore
Little Women |
Louisa May Alcott
Lolita (book) |
Vladimir Nabokov
Look Homeward, Angel |
Thomas Wolfe
Lost Language of Cranes |
David Leavitt
Love Medicine |
Louise Erdrich
Main Street (book) |
Sinclair Lewis
Mao II |
Don DeLillo
Miss Lonelyhearts (book) |
Nathanael West
Moby Dick (book) |
Herman Melville
Moon Palace |
Paul Auster
Myra Breckinridge |
Gore Vidal
Native Son (book) |
Richard Wright
Neuromancer |
William Gibson
Nightwood |
Djuna Barnes
Of Mice and Men (book) |
John Steinbeck
Old Man and the Sea (book) |
Ernest Hemingway
On the Road |
Jack Kerouac
Passing |
Nella Larsen
Play It As It Lays |
Joan Didion
Poisonwood Bible (book) |
Barbara Kingsolver
Portnoy's Complaint |
Philip Roth
Possessing the Secret of Joy |
Alice Walker
Pricksongs and Descants |
Robert Coover
Quicksand (Larsen book) |
Nella Larsen
Rabbit is Rich |
John Updike
Rabbit Redux |
John Updike
Rabbit, Run |
John Updike
Reasons to Live |
Amy Hempel
Red Harvest (book) |
Dashiell Hammett
Requim for a Dream |
Hubert Selby
Revolutionary Road (book) |
Richard Yates
Rip Van Winkle |
Washington Irving
Second Foundation (book) |
Isaac Asimov
Sister Carrie |
Theodore Dreiser
Smoke Bellew |
Jack London
Somebody in Boots |
Nelson Algren
Sometimes a Great Notion |
Ken Kesey
Song of Solomon (book) |
Toni Morrisson
Sophie's Choice |
William Styron
Stone Junction |
Jim Dodge
Stranger in a Strange Land |
Robert A Heinlein
Tarzan of the Apes |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tender is the Night |
F Scott Fitzgerald
The Adventures of Augie March |
Saul Bellow
The Age of Innocence (book) |
Edith Wharton
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay |
Michael Chabon
The Assistant |
Bernard Malamud
The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas (book) |
Gertrude Stein
The Awakening (book) |
Kate Chopin
The Bell Jar |
Silvia Plath
The Black Dahlia |
James Ellroy
The Bluest Eye |
Toni Morrisson
The Book of Daniel |