French Children's Litterae

Searchable, Sortable, List of Notable French Children's Literature


Last Name Name AsNotedIn
Last Name Name AsNotedIn
Verne: Jules Verne




20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (book) Jules Verne
A Hundred Million Francs Paul Berna
Around the World in Eighty Days (book) Jules Verne
Arsene Lupin Maurice Leblanc
Asterix the Gaul Rene Goscinny
Barbapapa Annette Tison
Becassine Jacqueline Riviere
Capitaine Fracasse Theophile Gautier
Carrot Top Jules Renard
Crictor Tomi Ungerer
Fairy Tales Madame d'Aulnoy
Fairy Tales from the Past Charles Perrault
Fantomette Georges Chaulet
Four Sisters Malika Ferdjoukh
Garden of Little Creatures Antoon Krings
Michel Tournier
Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne
Leo and Popi Marie-Agnes Gaudrat
Little Brown Bear Claude Lebrun
Little Nicholas Rene Goscinny
Loulou Gregoire Solotareff
Marlaguette Marie Colmont
Martine Gilbert Delahaye
Michka Marie Colmont
Missing from Saint-Agil Pierre Very
Nobody's Boy Hector Malot
Oh, Boy! Marie-Aude Murail
Okilele Claude Ponti
Roule Galette Natha Caputo
Six Companions Paul-Jacques Bonzon
Sophie's Misfortunes Comtesse de Segur
T'choupi Thierry Courtin
Tales of the Rue Broca Pierre Gripari
The Erl-King
Michel Tournier
The Eye of the Wolf Daniel Pennac
The Good Little Devil Comtesse de Segur
The Last Giants Francois Place
The Lion Joseph Kessel
The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Mystery of the Yellow Room Gaston Leroux
The Orange Cow Nathan Hale (children's author)
The Prince of Motordu Pef
The Story of Babar Jean De Brunhoff
The Three Robbers Tomi Ungerer
The War of the Buttons Louis Pergaud
The Widemouthed Frog Francine Vidal
The Wonderful Farm Marcel Ayme
Toby Alone Timothee de Fombelle
Tomb Raiders Odile Weulersse
Unknown or Forgotten Princesses Philippe Lechermeier
Winter Song Jean-Claude Mourlevat
Zazie in the Metro Raymond Queneau

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