Assassination of Abraham Lincoln



Y/M/D Description Place
1864/07/00 John W Booth and several well-known Confederate sympathizers meet at The Parker House to plan the kidnapping of President Lincoln. Parker House, Boston
1864/11/00 John W Booth is introduced to Dr Mudd. St Mary's Church, Bryantown
1864/12/00 Dr Mudd introduces John Booth to Thomas Harbin at the Bryantown Tavern Bryantown Historic District, Bryantown
1864/12/23 Conspirators plan to kidnap President Abraham Lincoln Mary E Surratt Boarding House, Washington, DC
1865/03/00 James Gordon meets with John Wilkes Booth in Montreal to discuss plans to kidnap Abraham Lincoln. Gordon will later deny any involvement in an assassination.
1865/03/00 John Surratt, George Atzerodt and David Herold hide weapons and supplies at Surratt tavern Surratt House, Clinton
1865/03/31 John Surratt departs Richmond for Montreal to deliver dispatches to Gen Edwin Gray Lee, head of the Confederate Secrete Service Operations in Montreal.
1865/04/06 John W Booth practices firing a pistol in various difficult ways such as between his legs, over his shoulder and under his arms at Edward's Shooting range off School Street near the Parker House in Boston. Parker House, Boston
1865/04/06 John Surratt checks into the St Lawrence Hall Hotel (lost) at 13 Great Saint James St in Montreal, the unofficial headquarters of the Confederates covert operations. Opened in 1851, the hotel was razed in 1910. Montreal, Quebec
1865/04/11 Lincoln speaks to a crowd from the window over the main door of the White House, John Wilkes Booth swears that this will be Lincoln's last speech. White House North Portico, The White House
1865/04/11 President Lincoln gives a short speech on Reconstruction, re-admitting Louisiana, the education to children of all races, and extending voting rights to Negros. White House North Portico, The White House
1865/04/14 Lincoln remarks that he has been urged to visit the theatre this evening, and ask Gen Grant if he would join the party. The General excuses himself, as he has a previous engagement and takes his leave, and some of the others follow him. White House Executive Residence, The White House
1865/04/14 General Grant and his wife, Julia, decline the invitation to accompany the President and the First Lady to Ford's theater, deciding instead to visit their children in New Jersey.
1865/04/14 John Booth shoots President Lincoln in the back of the head with a .44-caliber Derringer pistol. The 5.87-inch weapon is on display at Ford's Theatre National Historic Site. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC
1865/04/14 A bullet strikes Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head and tears through his brain where it lodges behind his right eye. The bullet is on display at the National Museum of Health and Medicine located at 2500 Linden Lane in Silver Spring, MD. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC
1865/04/14 Major Rathbone shouts "Stop that man!" and grabs John W Booth. Booth stabs Rathbone with a dagger, slicing to the bone from shoulder to elbow. Rathbone grabs Booth's coat as the assassin leaps. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC
1865/04/14 Dr Charles Leale tends to Abraham Lincoln, sending others for brandy and water. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC
1865/04/14 Clara Harris comforts Mary Lincoln. Secretary of War Edward Stanton had banished Mary from her husband's bedside after she began to cry hysterically. Petersen House, Washington, DC
1865/04/14 John Wilkes Booth leaps from the president's box and crashes onto the stage. Booth fractures his leg in the fall, but is able to escape out a rear entrance to a waiting horse. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC
1865/04/14 Major Henry Rathbone shouts "God in heven, save him!". Falling unconscious from loss of blood, Rathbone is carried to Senator Ira Harris' house where an Army doctor will suture his wounds and Clara will serve as nurse.
1865/04/14 Eye witnesses hear him shout, "Sic semper tyrannis! (Thus always to tyrants!)". Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC
1865/04/14 While visiting with his friend John Hay, the president's private secretary, Robert Lincoln is told that his father has been shot and he dashes off to the Peterson house. White House Executive Residence, The White House
1865/04/14 William T Kent retrieves Booth's pistol from the floor of the Presidential Box and gives it to investigators. It will be submitted as evidence in the conspirators' trial in May and June of 1865 and then deposited with the War Department. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC
1865/04/15 Dr Samuel Mudd treats John Wilkes Booth's injured leg, providing food, lodging and two horses to Booth and David Herold. Dr Samuel A Mudd House, Waldorf
1865/04/15 American President Abraham Lincoln dies at the Petersen House. Petersen House, Washington, DC
1865/04/15 Secretary of War Edwin Stanton writes a note from the president's deathbed that will be telegraphed to the nation: Abraham Lincoln died this morning at 22 minutes after Seven. Petersen House, Washington, DC
1865/04/16 Oswell Swann leads John W Booth and David Herold across Zekiah Swamp to Rich Hill, the home of confederate sympathizer, Col Samuel Cox. Rich Hill, Bel Alton
1865/04/17 Samuel Cox places Booth and Herold in the care of the Confederate underground and arranges to hide them in a pine thicket a mile west of his house for several days, where they receive food and newspapers. Marker at jct of Bel Alton Newtown Rd and Wills Rd Bel Alton, Maryland
1865/04/21 Col Samuel Cox's foster brother, Thomas A Jones, helps John Wilkes Booth and David E Herold escape across the Potomac to Virginia.
1865/04/22 Col Cadwallader Jones came with a despatch, a sealed secret despatch. It was for General Chesnut. I opened it. Lincoln, old Abe Lincoln, has been killed, murdered, and Seward wounded! Why? By whom? It is simply maddening, all this.
1865/04/24 With Booth Trapped in Garrett's tobacco barn (lost), Federal troops set it on fire and Boston Corbett shoots John Wilkes Booth in the neck. A marker is on A P Hill Blvd, 3.1 miles SW of Port Royal, VA. Port Royal, Virginia
1865/04/24 John Wilkes Booth dies on the porch of the Garrett farmhouse (lost). A marker is on A P Hill Blvd, 3.1 miles SW of Port Royal. A bank draft signed by Montreal banker and future mayor Henry Starnes is found in Booth's pocket. Port Royal, Virginia
1865/06/29 Military tribunal finds Lincoln conspiritors guilty Fort McNair, Washington, DC
1865/07/00 Dr Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold, Michael O'Laughlen and Edmund Spangler arrive at Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas to serve out sentences Dry Tortugas National Park, Dry Tortugas Islands
1865/07/07 Mary Surratt, George Atzerodt, David Herold and Lewis Powell are hanged at the Old Penitentiary, Fort McNair. Fort McNair, Washington, DC
1866/11/27 Charles Hale arrests John Surratt in Alexandria, Egypt. Alexandria, Egypt
1867/00/00 The USS SWATARA, with prisoner John Surratt, arrives at the Washington Navy Yard. Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC
1867/06/10 John Surratt tried as conspiritor in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, ends in deadlock August 10, 1867 City Hall, Washington, DC
1869/02/08 President Johnson hands Mrs Mudd a pardon for her husband, Dr Mudd White House Executive Residence, The White House
1883/12/24 A paranoid Henry Rathbone shoots his wife and stabs her to death as she defends her children in their flat in Hanover, Germany. Henry then shoots and stabs himself repeatedly.

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