Modern Anesthesia


Y/M/D Description Place
1841/00/00 At his home in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Charles T Jackson experiments with the anesthetic effects of ether, 1841-1842. Mayflower House Museum, Plymouth, MA
1842/03/30 Dr Crawford W Long use ether for surgical anesthesia while removing a tumor from the neck of a patient, James M Venable. Crawford W Long Museum can be found at 28 College St, Jefferson GA. Jefferson Historic District, Jefferson
1844/03/00 Morton enrolls at Harvard Medical School, taught by Charles Jackson, and learns that the common organic solvent sulfuric ether can render a person unconscious (Mason St, Boston).
1844/04/00 Charles Jackson advises Morton to apply chloric ether to the sensitive gums of a patient (Miss Parrot of Gloucester, MA) who wished to have a cavity filled
1845/01/00 Horace Wells demonstrates the anodyne (painkilling) properties of nitrous oxide gas, the patient cries out in pain and the audience of students jeer Ether Dome, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
1846/06/00 William Morton buys bottles of ether from a local chemist and begins experimenting on fish, dogs and other animals
1846/09/30 William T G Morton uses ether for pain relief while extracting a tooth
1846/10/15 William Morton invents an instrument that can deliver ether by inhalation during an operation.
1846/10/16 John Collins Warren removes a portion of a tumor from Edward Abbott's neck, the patient was anesthetized with ether Ether Dome, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
1849/00/00 Dr Long continues the use of the ether anesthetic and the results of his trials are published in The Southern Medical and Surgical Journal.

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Medicine: Anesthesia

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