Y/M/D | Description | Place |
1865/04/02 | Union army breaks through the Petersburg and Richmond defensive line | Petersburg Breakthrough Battlefield, Pamplin Historical Park, Petersburg |
1865/04/07 | While camping on Cumberland Rd near the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Rt 45) Robert Lee receives a message from US Grant (headquartered at the now demolished Farmville Hotel, Farmville) recommending the surrender the Army of Northern Virginia. | Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Farmville |
1865/04/08 | George Custer's Union cavalry captures a Confederate supply train, artillery and blocks Robert E Lee's retreat | Appomattox Historic District, Appomattox, VA |
1865/04/09 | Dr Thomas Fanning Wood, Field and Staff, 3rd Regiment, North Carolina Infantry, Confederate States of America, is paroled at Appomattox Court House. Dr Wood and several friends will walk back to Wilmington. | Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Appomattox, VA |
1865/04/09 | Elkanah L Burson delivers General Grant's surender demand to General Lee and returns Lee's surrender papers back to General Grant | Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Appomattox, VA |
1865/04/09 | Robert E Lee, accompanied by five Major generals, surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S Grant. | Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Appomattox, VA |
1865/04/09 | Col H M Rutledge surrenders the 25th North Carolina Infantry, 8 officers and 69 enlisted men, Confederate States Army, at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. | Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Appomattox, VA |
1865/04/10 | Dr Theophilus West of 8th Florida Infantry Regiment of the Confederate States Army is paroled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. | Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Appomattox, VA |
1865/05/00 | Robert Lee stays at John Stewart's house from April to June after surrendering at Appomattox | Stewart-Lee House, Richmond |
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