Charles Dickens' 1867 Tour of America



Y/M/D Description Place
1867/11/18 On the last night of the voyage on the CUBA from Halifax, the ship's captain, Charles Dickens and his fellow passengers make speeches and sing in the saloon. Songs include "Auld Lang Syne", the "Canadian Boat Song" and "Jubilate".
1867/11/19 After a very slow passage from Halifax against headwinds, Charles Dickens arrives in Boston and checks into the Parker House. "The cost of living is enormous, but happily we can afford it." - CD
1867/11/19 Hotel owner Harvey Parker Jr provides Charles Dickens Suite 138-139 (lost) at the Parker House. Dickens will us the third floor chambers as home during his stay in America. Parker House, Boston
1867/11/20 Henry W Longfellow visits Charles Dickens at the Parker House. "Perfectly white in hair and beard, but a remarkably handsome and notable-looking man." - CD Parker House, Boston
1867/11/21 Henry W Longfellow, Ralph W Emerson, Oliver W Holmes and Louis Agassiz dine with Charles Dickens.
1867/11/21 George Hillard, United States Attorney for Massachusetts (which is a very good office - Dickens), visits Charles Dickens at the Parker House. Hillard sends his love to the Dickens family in England. Parker House, Boston
1867/12/00 Dickens gives a special reading of "A Christmas Carol" at the Parker House to the Saturday Club. Parker House has the door to Dickens' room and the mirror used by him for rehearsals. Parker House, Boston

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