Golden Gate International Exposition


Y/M/D Description Place
1935/00/00 George Kelham is made Chairman of the Board of Architects for the Exposition. Other notable San Francisco architects include Arthur Brown Jr, Louis P Hobart, William G Merchant, Timothy Pfleuger, Ernest E Weihe and E L Frick. Treasure Island, San Fran,
1935/05/00 Golden Gate International Exposition, also known as GGIE, appoints William Day to be Vice President, Director of Works and acting chief engineer. The overall architectural theme for the Expo will be, "A Pageant of the Pacific". Treasure Island, San Fran,
1938/00/00 The Administration Building is completed in early 1938. Since the architectural committee had agreed that the permanent airport buildings are "non-Expositional in character," the designed of the structure is Art Moderne style. Administration Building, Treasure Island, San Francisco
1938/10/00 The Hall of Transportation is dedicated "To Men with Wings of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow". Hall of Transportation, Treasure Island, San Francisco
1939/00/00 Director of the Decorative Arts Division, Dorothy Liebes, and Assistant Director Shepard Vogelgesang jointly design the interior the art pavilion. Due to the hangar's massive rectangular space, planning for the interior is challenging. Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts, Treasure Island, San Francisco
1939/00/00 Ralls County Courthouse achieves national attention when its facade is chosen as the model for the Missouri buildings at the World's Fair in New York and the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco. Ralls County Courthouse and Jail-Sheriff's House, New London
1939/02/18 The Golden Gate International Exposition opens on San Francisco's Treasure Island. Treasure Island, San Fran,
1939/03/00 The Palace of Arts host over $20 million in artwork ranging from Gothic tapestries and Renaissance sculptures to contemporary paintings, pottery and furniture designs. The 25 cent admission includes free lectures and guides to the galleries. Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts, Treasure Island, San Francisco
1939/03/00 The Native Daughters of the Golden West raise money to restore "The Pioneer Mother Monument" and exhibit it at the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition. Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts, Treasure Island, San Francisco
1939/03/00 Poor attendance, along with the financial costs of reduced rates and free passes, leads the Exposition company to layoff over forty percent of its employees after the first month. Treasure Island, San Fran,
1939/10/29 At the end of its first run the Golden Gate International Exposition attracts less than half of the 20 million people necessary for a profit, leaving a debt of over 4 million dollars. Treasure Island, San Fran,
1940/04/15 By letter, Timothy Pflueger outlines the scope of a project and Diego Rivera's compensation for a mural to be painted at the Art in Action exhibit. Here patrons can view artists at work at bookbinding, weaving, pottery-making, painting and metal work. Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts, Treasure Island, San Francisco
1940/05/00 The GGIE reopens for a planned four month run with new more commercial attractions, buildings are repainted, some venues are closed while new ones open. Additional carnival rides and musical concerts are added. Treasure Island, San Fran,
1940/09/00 Diego Rivera paints the Pan Am Unity fresco mural in the Art in Action section of the Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts. The mural is now located at the City College of San Francisco. Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts, Treasure Island, San Francisco
1940/09/24 The Golden Gate International Exposition closes with financial loses. Treasure Island, San Fran,

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