In May and June of 1863, Major General Ulysses S Grant's armies converged on Vicksburg, investing the city and entrapping a Confederate army under Lt General John Pemberton. On July 4, Vicksburg surrendered after prolonged siege operations. This was the culmination of one of the most brilliant military campaigns of the war. With the loss of Pemberton's army and this vital stronghold on the Mississippi, the Confederacy was effectively split in half. Grant's successes in the West boosted his reputation, leading ultimately to his appointment as General-in-Chief of the Union armies. - NPS
Y/M/D | Description | Place |
1862/05/18 | The Union Mississippi River Squadron arrive below Vicksburg and Commander S Phillips Lee orders Brigader General H L Smith to surrender Vicksburg. General Smith will refuse. | |
1863/00/00 | Hit 5 times by Union cannonballs | The Duff Green Mansion, Vicksburg |
1863/00/00 | 1st Lieutenant Archibald McKinley is severely wounded at Vicksburg | Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg |
1863/00/00 | Col Allen Thomas and his staff of the Louisiana Regiment occupy Planter Hall. | Planters Hall, Vicksburg |
1863/04/29 | William Sherman attacks Confederate soldiers at Snyder's Bluff, 29 April 1863 - 1 May 1863. | Snyder's Bluff, Redwood |
1863/05/00 | US Grant passes by The Ceders enrout to Vicksburg | The Cedars, Clinton |
1863/05/00 | To escape heavy bombardment from Federal artillery, many citizens of Vicksburg dig caves into the hillsides of loess soil. | Vicksburg Siege Cave, Vicksburg |
1863/05/03 | Albert Richardson is captured by the Confederates at Vicksburg. | |
1863/05/18 | Captain Daniel Webster commands the 1st Wisconsin Battery of light artillery at the Siege of Vicksburg | Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg |
1863/05/20 | US 12th Battery Wisconsin Light Artillery serves 4 10-pound Parrott Rifles in positions near the Jackson Road from May 20 to about May 31. One section severed two of them in this work until the end of the siege, July 4, 1863. | Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg |
1863/05/22 | 2nd Battery Iowa Light Artillery lays siege to Vicksburg, Monument located on Graveyard Rd 100 yards w of Union Ave | Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg |
1863/05/23 | Lieutenant General John C Pemberton selects one of the city's finest mansions to house his headquarters operations for the defending Confederate forces, using it until 4 July 1863. | Pemberton's Headquarters, Vicksburg |
1863/06/00 | The gallant 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry, under the command of Cadwallader C Washburn, hold Snyder's bluff, Miss. | Snyder's Bluff, Redwood |
1863/06/00 | Company B of the 22nd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry and serve under General U S Grant in the Siege of Vicksburg. | Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg |
1863/06/00 | Indiana McRae writes her memoirs of the Siege of Vicksburg. Published in Harper's Weekly magazine, the article has served as a primary source of information concerning the Vicksburg Campaign. | Planters Hall, Vicksburg |
1863/07/00 | Aaron Estellus Gove, who will serve in the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry from 1861 to 1864, is brevetted major for bravery in action at Vicksburg. | Vicksburg National Military Park, Vicksburg |
1863/07/04 | Vicksburg's Confederates defenders surrender. The battle-hardened veterans of US Grant's Union army move into Vicksburg and raised the flag over the Courthouse, while troops paraded around the building. | Old Courthouse, Warren County, Vicksburg |
1863/07/06 | After the surrender of Vicksburg, the area in front of Planters Hall is used to stack the guns and band instruments of a Tennessee regiment. Tradition says that Gen William Dennis, commander of the Illinois Cavalry, made Planters Hall his headquarters. | Planters Hall, Vicksburg |
1863/07/13 | Union soldiers sail down the Mississippi River from Vicksburg and land in Natchez, US troops will continue to garrison Natchez during through Reconstruction. | Natchez, MS, Mississippi |
Data | |
Military Event: | American Civil War |
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