Y/M/D | Description | Place |
1879/00/00 | The Van Corlear luxury apartment house (lost) is built for Edward Clark as one of the first multi-family living for the middle- and upper-class. | Park Central Hotel NYC, New York City |
1880/10/00 | Construction begins on a Renaissance Revival style, luxury apartment building on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for businessman Edward Cabot. | Dakota Apartments, New York City |
1882/00/00 | The Imperial, a brownstone apartment building built for developer Frederick Aldhous, opens. A 8 room apartment rents for $100 a month. | The Imperial Apartments, New York City |
1883/00/00 | Gerlach Flats building opens. The Queen Anne-style, red brick, ten story apartment building features residence known as French flats to differentiate from tenant housing. | Radio Wave Building, Manhattan NYC |
1884/10/27 | Dakota Apartment building opens. | Dakota Apartments, New York City |
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