Developing the Atomic Bomb


Y/M/D Description Place
Pupin Hall, New York City
Hanford B Reactor, Hanford Site - Manhattan Project NHP
1942/12/02 Enrico Fermi and George Weil demonstrate the World's first nuclear reactor Site of the First Self-Sustaining Nuclear Reaction, Chicago
1943/00/00 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos
1943/00/00 X-10 Reactor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1943/03/23 Philip C Leahy establishes his headquarters at a newly purchased a $10,500, 55 acre gravel pit next to the Gunnison River and begins to build a new uranium refinery. Leahy uses the small log cabin as an office. Atomic Legacy Cabin, Grand Junction
1943/04/00 Richard Feynman arrives at Los Alamos. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos
1946/03/00 By 1946, more than 2.6 million pounds of uranium oxide, about 14 percent of the total uranium in the Manhattan Project, have been extracted from various mins on the Colorado Plateau. Atomic Legacy Cabin, Grand Junction

Data »

Area of Significance: Military
Motif: War
Historic Event: World War II

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