Metropolis is a 1927 science-fiction silent film directed by Fritz Lang. The German expressionist drama staring Alfred Abel, Brigitte Helm, Gustav Frohlich and Rudolf Klein-Rogge is a landmark in cinema history. The Sicherungsstuck Nr 1: Negative of the restored and reconstructed version of Metropolis is listed in UNESCO's Memory of the World and is preserved at the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, Wiesbaden. - AsNotedIn
Y/M/D | Association | Description | Place | Locale | Food | Event | |
1927/01/10 | Fritz Lang | Director | With a running time of about 153 minutes, "Metropolis" by Fritz Lang debuts at a glittering premiere at the Ufa-Palast am Zoo (lost) Hardenbergstrasse 29A, Berlin, Germany. | ||||
2001/02/00 | A new restored and reconstructed version of "Metropolis", a result of investigations by the Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, is shown at the Berlin Film Festival. |
Particulars for Metropolis (film): | |||
Narrative Arts | Dystopian | relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice | |
Narrative Arts | Fantasy | ||
Art Type | Film | ||
Narrative Arts | Live Action | ||
Narrative Arts | Narrative | an account of connected events | |
Narrative Arts | Science Fiction |
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