"The Guardsman" is a 1931 feature film by American director, Sidney Franklin based on Ferenc Molnar's play, "Testor". Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne star as a Vienna acting couple who have the right chemistry on stage, but can they get along off stage? - AsNotedIn
Y/M/D | Association | Description | Place | Locale | Food | Event | |
1931/10/07 | Alfred Lunt | Actor | "The Guardsman", based on Ferenc Molnar's play "Testor", is released. | ||||
1931/10/07 | Lynn Fontanne | Actress | "The Guardsman", based on Ferenc Molnar's play "Testor", is released. | ||||
1931/10/07 | Ferenc Molnar | Playwright | "The Guardsman", based on Ferenc Molnar's play "Testor", is released. | ||||
1931/10/07 | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | Studio | "The Guardsman", based on Ferenc Molnar's play "Testor", is released. | ||||
1932/11/18 | Alfred Lunt | Best Actor Nominee | Alfred Lunt is nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for 1931's "The Guardsman" | Ambassador Hotel site | Los Angeles | 5th Academy Awards | |
1932/11/18 | Lynn Fontanne | Best Actress Nominee | Lynn Fontanne is nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for 1931's "The Guardsman". | Ambassador Hotel site | Los Angeles | 5th Academy Awards |
Particulars for The Guardsman (film): | |||
Narrative Arts | Comedy, Humor | the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech. | |
Narrative Arts | Drama | ||
Art Type | Film | ||
Narrative Arts | Narrative | an account of connected events |
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