
  • As Noted In: 1001 Foods You Must Taste Before You Die, B E S Publishing

Egg—shaped, Cranberries are a dark red fruit produced by a group of evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines that grow in bogs or wetlands. Native to Canada, the United States and Europe, the plant has small, dark green leaves and pink flowers. Cranberries are a major crop in the United States and Canada. They grow wild in Canada's Atlantic provinces, where they and are sometimes called, marsh apples. Most cranberries are processed into products such as juice, sauce, jam, and sweetened dried cranberries. Cranberry sauce is a traditional accompaniment to turkey at Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom, and at Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners in the United States and Canada. — AsNotedIn


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Particulars for :
Product Kind Food
Food Type Fruit
Food Attribute North American Food
Genus Vaccinium
Food Category Victual

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