Wild Beach Plum Preserve

  • As Noted In: 1001 Foods You Must Taste Before You Die, Quintessence Editions
  • Source: Plum, Fruit

Beach Plum Jelly is a crimson colored, American Northeastern preserve made from Beach Plums and sugar. About the size of a large marble, chalky purple Beach Plums grow on bushes in clusters on sand dunes, close to sea level on the Long Island and New England seacoast. - AsNotedIn


Y/M/D Person Association Description Place Locale Event
1609/00/00 Henry Hudson Explorer Henry Hudson observes an abundance of blue plums on the banks of the a river he is exploring, today's the Hudson River.
1785/00/00 Humphry Marshall (botanist) Work Plant taxonomist Humphrey Marshall, describes the beach plum and provides the species name: Prunus Maritima.
1872/11/00 The fruit varies in different plants, not only in color and size, ... some specimens being quite pleasant to the taste, and others harsh and acerb. The plum is highly prized by those who live near the shore for making preserves. - American Agriculturist Cape Cod National Seashore Massachusetts

Food Type Preserve

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Particulars for :
Food Attribute American Food
Product Kind Food
Food Type Fruit
Food Attribute Sweets
Food Category Victual

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