
  • Travel Genus: Eats


Y/M/D Person Association Description Place Locale Event
1849/10/04 Dr John J Moran treats Poe in a room in one of the towers at WUH where drunk people are under care. Dr Moran decides that Poe is not drunk and has not been drinking. At one point, Poe refuses a glass of brandy offered as a stimulant. Church Home Building Baltimore, MD Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe
1865/04/14 Dr Charles A Leale Physician Dr Charles Leale tends to Abraham Lincoln, sending others for brandy and water. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site Washington, DC Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
1885/00/00 In the 1880s, a baboon works as a signalman for nine years on a South African railroad. He is paid in brandy and doesn't make mistakes. South Africa
1912/04/15 Benjamin Guggenheim Lost at Sea Guggenheim and his valet, Victor Giglio, are last seen seated in deck chairs in the foyer of the Grand Staircase sipping brandy and smoking cigars, ready to accept their fate. Both men went down with the ship. Their bodies were never identified. Sinking of the RMS Titanic

Food Type Liquor

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Particulars for :
Food Attribute Alcohol
Attribute Alcohol for Medicinal Purposes
Food Category Drink
Product Kind Food

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