
  • As Noted In: World's Best Appetizers, Snacks and Small Plates, Phantom

Y/M/D Person Association Description Place Locale Event
1259/12/04 Henry III of England English Sovereign Kneeling amid the apple tress in the Palais de la Cite, King Henry III of England pays liege homage to Louis IX of France, renounces his claims to Normandy, Maine, Anjou and Poitou and acknowledges that he holds his continental lands as a peer of France. Palais de la Cite
1426/00/00 Masolino da Panicale Painter In the "Temptation of Adam and Eve", Masolino da Panicale paints Adam and Eve as she prepares to bite into a small, oval shaped, green apple, just offered to her by the serpent. Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence Florence
1761/00/00 George William Fairfax Owner G W Fairfax leases 150 acres to William Wildman, a Quaker living in Fairfax County, and his sons, William and John. Provided that they plant at least 100 good apple trees and keep the same well pruned and within good fences and also to build a dwelling. Brown-Koerner House Purcellville
1809/09/00 John (Appleseed) Chapman Owner In order to establish an apple orchard to sell saplings to settlers, John Chapman buys his first piece of real estate: lots 145 and 147 along Owl Creek for $50. A hand colored original 1805 map showing the lots hangs in the Mount Vernon Public Library. Mount Vernon Ohio
1819/00/00 French researcher Jacques Etieme Berard studies the theory that fruits stored kept at low temperatures and deprived of oxygen will not ripen so quickly.
1857/00/00 Amos Bronson Alcott Home Amos Alcott purchases 12 acres with two houses and an apple orchard. Orchard House Concord, MA
1857/00/00 Abigail May Alcott Home Amos Alcott purchases 12 acres with two houses and an apple orchard. Orchard House Concord, MA
1865/00/00 Benjamin Nyce of Cleveland, Ohio, builds a reasonably air-tight barn, cools it with ice and filters the air with a paste of his own invention. He patented his work, but would not allow others to use his system.
1938/00/00 Admiral Richard E Byrd Minister of Crown Richard E Byrd is the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival's Minister of Crown. Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival

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Particulars for :
Product Kind Food
Food Type Fruit
Food Kind Malus
Plant Family Rosaceae
Food Category Victual

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