Vienna Bread

  • Travel Genus: Eats

Y/M/D Person Association Description Place Locale Event
1876/06/00 Louis Fleischmann Work Gaff, Fleischmann and Co of Cincinnati host the Vienna Model Bakery (lost) on the Centennial Grounds east of Memorial Hall. The adjacent cafe serves the best Vienna Coffee, Bread, Chocolate, Tea and Ices. West Fairmount Park Centennial Exposition 1876
1876/11/00 Louis Fleischmann Work Louis Fleischmann opens the Vienna Model Bakery (lost) on Broadway at 10th, just to the right of Grace Church. Every day, 210 men bake 15,000 loaves of Vienna Bread in 13 large ovens. Grace Episcopal Church, New York New York City
1895/00/00 Louis Fleischmann Benefactor Finding hungry tramps standing over the grating at his Bakery (lost), Fleischmann gives bread to the men. "The breadline grew until at night as many as 500 loaves were handed out to the men.... In winter coffee was given with the bread," NY Times Grace Episcopal Church, New York New York City

Food Type Bread

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Particulars for :
Food Attribute Austrian Food
Food Attribute Bakery Goods
Product Kind Food
Food Type Grain
Food Kind Leavened Bread
Food Category Victual

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