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The Music Lesson

  • Type: Painting

The Music Lesson is a painting by Lord Frederic Leighton. - AsNotedIn

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1877/00/00 Lord Frederic Leighton Painter "The Music Lesson" by Frederic Leighton is shown in Gallery No III at the Royal Academy's Summer Exhibition at Burlington House in London. Royal Academy Including Burlington House And Galleries And Royal Academy Schools Buildings London
1878/00/00 Frederic Leighton is appointed President of the Jury on Paintings at the Paris International Exhibition where he will also exhibit "Elijah in the Wilderness", "The Music Lesson" and "Captain Richard Burton, HM's Consul at Trieste". 1878 Exposition Universelle

Information »

Particulars for The Music Lesson:
Art Medium Canvas
Art Attribute English Art
Area Of Significance Music
Art Medium Oil
Art Type Painting art of using colored substance to create a picture

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