Mrs Daniel Sargent (Mary Turner painting)

  • Type: Painting

Mrs Daniel Sargent is an American portrait in the Grand Manner of Mary Turner Sargent of Salem, Massachusetts. - AsNotedIn

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1763/04/00 John Singleton Copley Painter Soon after her marriage, John Singleton Copley is commissioned to paint a portrait of Mrs Daniel Sargent. Marriage of Mary Turner and Daniel Sargent
1763/04/00 Mary Turner Sargent Sitter Soon after her marriage, John Singleton Copley is commissioned to paint a portrait of Mrs Daniel Sargent. Marriage of Mary Turner and Daniel Sargent
1979/04/05 John D Rockefeller III Benefactor Mr and Mrs John D Rockefeller 3rd make a gift of John Singleton Copley's portrait of Mrs Daniel Sargent to the de Young Museum, San Francisco. de Young Museum San Francisco

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Particulars for Mrs Daniel Sargent (Mary Turner painting):
Art Medium Canvas
Art Medium Oil
Art Type Painting art of using colored substance to create a picture
Fine Arts Portrait

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