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Barnard's Abraham Lincoln (sculpture)

  • Type: Sculpture

  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Object

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1916/00/00 George Grey Barnard Sculptor George Barnard completes his larger than life statue of Abraham Lincoln. He will exhibit the sculpture in New York City.
1917/03/31 George Grey Barnard Sculptor In commemoration of the centenary of the Abraham Lincoln's birth, President William H Taft unveils George Grey Barnard's bronze statue, Abraham Lincoln, at Lytle Park. Lytle Park, Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH
1917/03/31 William Howard Taft Dignitary In commemoration of the centenary of the Abraham Lincoln's birth, President William H Taft unveils George Grey Barnard's bronze statue, Abraham Lincoln, at Lytle Park. Lytle Park, Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH
1919/00/00 Charles Phelps Taft Benefactor Another bronze cast of the "Abraham Lincoln" statue by George Barnard is given to the City of Manchester by Mr and Mrs Charles Phelps Taft, of Cincinnati, the Sulgrave Institution, and the Anglo-American Society. Lincoln Square, Manchester Manchester, ENG

Information »

Particulars for Barnard's Abraham Lincoln (sculpture):
Area of Significance Art expression of creative skill and imagination such as painting or sculpture
Material Bronze
Sight Category Object
Attribute Outdoor
Art Type Sculpture
Historic Use Work of Art

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