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George III and the River Thames (sculpture)

  • Also Known As: Statue of George III, Somerset House
  • Type: Sculpture

George III and the River Thames is a sculpture and a Historic England Listed Building I created by English artist John Bacon. - AsNotedIn

  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Object

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1778/00/00 John Bacon (sculptor) Artist John Bacon creates "George III and the River Thames".
1780/00/00 John Bacon (sculptor) Artist At the Somerset House quadrangle, John Bacon's bronze standing figure of George III with a lion is set on a Portland stone pedestal and the reclining bronze Father Thames is placed on a raised on plinth in a balustraded parapet. Somerset House And King's College Old Building London

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Particulars for George III and the River Thames (sculpture):
Area of Significance Art expression of creative skill and imagination such as painting or sculpture
Material Bronze
Sight Category Object
Attribute Outdoor
Art Type Sculpture
Historic Use Work of Art

English National Heritage List: 1237087

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