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Pioneer Mother Monument (sculpture)

  • Type: Sculpture

Pioneer Mother Monument is a bronze sculpture group by American artist Charles Grafly. - AsNotedIn

  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Object

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1909/08/00 Ella Sterling Mighels' idea for a monument to pioneer women, depicting a lady holding 'church around her knees' with two seated children, makes the cover of the Grizzly Bear, a periodical published by the Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West.
1912/00/00 Pioneer Mother Monument Association begins fundraising for a statue of symbolizing the self-sacrificing woman who, with their children at their side, braved the dangers and underwent the hardships and privations that are always incident to pioneer life.
1913/00/00 Charles Grafly Artist John E D Trask, director of the Fine Arts Department for the Panama-Pacific Exposition, commissions Grafly to create a sculpture.
1914/00/00 Charles Grafly Artist Grafly creates a model of a woman dressed in fringed buckskin and moccasins with two naked children. Under pressure from the female donors, Grafly will agree to change her garments to a homespun gown and simple leather shoes.
1914/07/09 After a stay in Europe, Pioneer Mother Monument Association President Helen Sanborn and her husband, visit Grafly at his Lanesville studio. Grafly's studies are now at Wichita State University's Ulrich Museum of Art. Gloucester, MA Massachusetts
1914/12/31 James D Phelan Advisor Phoebe Hearst and James Phelan persuaded Grafly to make the nude boy's genitalia somewhat less conspicuous, and thus less offensive to people sensibilities. Gloucester, MA Massachusetts
1915/00/00 Phoebe Hearst Commitee Member Pioneer Mother Monument Association committee member Phoebe Hearst and Senator James D Phelan meet Grafly at his Lanesville studio and give final approval on the Pioneer Monument before casting. Gloucester, MA Massachusetts
1915/06/30 Charles Grafly Artist Set on a 26-foot (7.9 m) stepped concrete base, Grafly's "Pioneer Mother Monument" is dedicated. Contribution include $651.59 by San Francisco school children and $591.94 from Los Angeles kids (a total of about $30,000 in 2015 dollars). Palace of Fine Arts, SF San Francisco
1915/09/04 Laura Ingalls Wilder Guest We saw "a life-size group up on a pedestal so one looks up to it. A woman ... guiding a boy and girl before her ... protecting them.... It is wonderful and so true in detail. The shoe exposed is large and heavy and I'd swear it had been half-soled." LIW Palace of Fine Arts, SF San Francisco Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco
1939/00/00 A weather-beaten and vandalized, The Pioneer Mother Monument, is found near-ruin of the Palace of Fine Arts. Palace of Fine Arts, SF San Francisco
1939/03/00 The Native Daughters of the Golden West raise money to restore "The Pioneer Mother Monument" and exhibit it at the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition. Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts, Treasure Island San Francisco Golden Gate International Exposition
1940/12/08 The Pioneer Mother Monument is rededicated in Golden Gate Park near the Pioneer Cabin. It can be found on Stowe Lake Dr, off John F Kennedy Dr. Golden Gate Park

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Particulars for Pioneer Mother Monument (sculpture):
Area of Significance Art expression of creative skill and imagination such as painting or sculpture
Material Bronze
Sight Category Object
Attribute Outdoor
Art Type Sculpture
Historic Use Work of Art

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