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The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand (painting)

  • Also Known As: A May Morning in the Park
  • Type: Painting

The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand is a painting by American artist Thomas Eakins. - AsNotedIn

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  • West Fairmount Park, Eakins set "The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand" in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park, just north of Memorial Hall.


Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1879/00/00 Thomas Eakins Artist Thomas Eakins paints "The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand" using photographs of horses to precisely render their movements, 1879-1880. Invention Of Photography
1880/11/00 Fairman Rogers Owner Fairman Rogers pays Thomas Eakins $500 for "The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand" and exhibits it at the Philadelphia Society of Artists in November 1880.

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Particulars for The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand (painting):
Area of Significance Art expression of creative skill and imagination such as painting or sculpture
Art Medium Canvas
Art Medium Oil
Art Type Painting art of using colored substance to create a picture

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