
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1784/00/00 A committee of New England Yearly Meeting which includes Moses Brown opens a school at Portsmouth Friends Meeting House in Portsmouth on Aquidneck Island. Its thirty students board with local Friends. Vocation Portsmouth Friends Meetinghouse Parsonage and Cemetery Portsmouth, RI
1788/00/00 Due to the trade conditions and the general impoverishment of the Quakers who remained on Aquidneck after the war, the Portsmouth Friends school closes for lack of financial support. Funds remaining from the school are entrusted to Moses Brown. Vocation Portsmouth Friends Meetinghouse Parsonage and Cemetery Portsmouth, RI
1793/00/00 Moses Brown of Providence During employs Samuel Slater to rebuild an Arkwright spinning frame. Owner Old Slater Mill Pawtucket, RI Invention of American Textile Mill
1819/00/00 The Portsmouth Quaker school reopens in Providence. Moses Brown with his son Obadiah and his son-in-law William Almy to pay for the construction of the first building, which still serves as the main building of the school. Benefactor Moses Brown School Providence, RI
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