Thomas Bailey Aldrich

  • American

Thomas Bailey Aldrich was a notable American writer and editor. - AsNotedIn

Notable Position Organization From To
Editor The Atlantic Monthly 1881 1890


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1836/11/11 Thomas Bailey Aldrich is born in Portsmouth not far from the home of his grandfather, Thomas D Bailey, on Court Street. Born Aldrich House, Portsmouth Portsmouth, NH
1849/00/00 Thomas Bailey Aldrich moves in with his grandfather, Thomas D Bailey, on Court Street. Home The Story of a Bad Boy (book) Aldrich House, Portsmouth Portsmouth, NH Beginnings of Bad Boy Literature
1865/00/00 Thomas B Aldrich moves to Boston to work as editor of J R Osgood's "Every Saturday." The paper is to debut January 1st. Settling in on Beacon Hill, Aldrich praises the city for its "intellectual atmosphere" and "full-blooded readers." Home Thomas B Aldrich Residence, Boston Boston
1865/11/28 Lilian Woodman marries Thomas Bailey Aldrich in New York. The union will produce two sons. Groom Marriage of Lilian Woodman and Thomas Bailey Aldrich
1866/00/00 Shortly after moving to Boston, T B Aldrich begins writing down memories of his own childhood which will become the basis for "The Story of a Bad Boy". Author The Story of a Bad Boy (book) Thomas B Aldrich Residence, Boston Boston
1870/00/00 "The Story of a Bad Boy" by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, a fictional account of his own boyhood in Portsmouth, is published by Fields, Osgood and Co. Author The Story of a Bad Boy (book) Beginnings of Bad Boy Literature
1873/00/00 "Marjorie Daw" by Thomas Bailey Aldrich is published in Atlantic Monthly. Author Marjorie Daw (Short Story)
1873/10/01 "Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski" by Thomas Bailey Aldrich apears in The Atlantic Monthly. Editor Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski (short story)
1901/00/00 After his son Charles is diagnosed with tuberculosis, T B Aldrich builds two houses, one for his son and one for him and his family, in Saranac Lake, New York, then the leading treatment center for the disease. Home The Porcupine Saranac Lake
1904/03/06 Charles Aldrich, son of Thomas Bailey Aldrich dies of tuberculosis, age thirty-four. The family will leave Saranac Lake and never returned. Grieving Father The Porcupine Saranac Lake

3 Creative Works by Thomas Bailey Aldrich »

Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
The Story of a Bad Boy (book) Author Novel 1870/00/00
Marjorie Daw (Short Story) Author Short Story 1873/00/00
  • Notable Short Stories, True Tales and Mezzobulas
Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski (short story) Editor Short Story 1873/10/01
  • Notable Short Stories, True Tales and Mezzobulas

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