
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1874/07/02 Black Hills Expedition leaves Fort Abraham Lincoln to explore the Black Hills. Calvary Officer Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, ND North Dakota Black Hills Expedition of 1874
1897/00/00 Fredrick Dent Grant's article about his father is published in The New York World Sunday magazine entitled "How Grier Became a Colonel". Author How Grier Became a Colonel (article)
1904/00/00 Frederick Dent Grant commands the Department of the East in the 1900s and 1910s. Military Admiral's House New York City
1906/04/19 Mark Twain gives a "Farewell" lecture at Carnegie Hall for the benefit of the Robert Fulton Memorial Association. Seats cost $1.50, $1.00 and $.50. He begins the lecture with a plea for donations for the citizens of San Francisco. Host Carnegie Hall New York City Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

1 Creative Work by Frederick Dent Grant »

Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
How Grier Became a Colonel (article) Author Article 1897/00/00

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