Dorothy Heyward

  • American

Playwright - AsNotedIn


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1922/00/00 DuBose Heyward meets his future wife, Dorothy Kuhns at MacDowell Colony MacDowell Colony Peterborough
1927/00/00 Porgy (Play) - premieres Author Porgy
1935/08/00 "Porgy and Bess" premieres during a private show at Carnegie Hall with a running time of about 3 and a half hours. Lyricist Porgy and Bess (Opera) Carnegie Hall New York City

2 Creative Works by Dorothy Heyward »

Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Porgy Author Play 1927/00/00
Porgy and Bess (Opera) Lyricist Opera 1935/08/00
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