
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1747/05/10 Born
1750/00/00 Childhood home of Dorothy Quincy Home Quincy Homestead Quincy
1775/10/28 This evening at the seat of Thaddeus Burr, Esq, at Fairfield Conn, by the Reverend Mr Eliot, the Hon John Hancock Esq, President of the Continental Congress, weds Miss Dorothy Quincy, daughter of Edmund Quincy Esq of Boston. Bride Thaddeus Burr Homestead Fairfield, CT Marriage of Dorothy Quincy and John Hancock
1824/08/24 Hundreds of spectators wave and cheer Lafayette as he slowly parades down Common (now Tremont) Street. Lafayette halts his barouche when he recognizes Dorothy Hancock Scott sitting on the balcony of her home on Colonnade Row near Avery Street (lost). Life Boston Common Boston Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1830/02/03 Died
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