Paul Revere

  • Also Known As: Colonel Revere
  • American

Patriot and Silversmith

Paul Revere was a notable American Patriot who sounded the alarm that British military forces were on the move to arrest American leaders, an action that begun the battles at Lexington and Concord and the American Revolution. - AsNotedIn

Notable Position Organization From To
Lt Col in the Massachusetts State Artillery Regiment commanded by Col Thomas Crafts Jr Massachusetts Colony Militia 1776
Partner Paul Revere and Son 1797 1811


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Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1734/12/21 Paul Revere is born in the North End of Boston on December 21, 1734, according to the Old Style calendar then in use, or January 1, 1735, in the modern calendar. Born Paul Revere's Birthday
1770/00/00 Paul Revere purchases an old house in the North End of Boston, Paul Revere's home from 1770-1800 Home Paul Revere House Boston
1773/12/16 More than 5000 American colonists meet at the South Meeting House to decide the fate of three ships (BEAVER, ELEANOR and DARTMOUTH) loaded with tea docked at Griffin's Wharf Ringleader Old South Meetinghouse Boston Boston Tea Party
1773/12/16 More than 5000 American colonists meet at the South Meeting House to decide the fate of three ships (BEAVER, ELEANOR and DARTMOUTH) loaded with tea docked at Griffin's Wharf Ringleader Old South Meetinghouse Boston American Revolution - From Protest to Revolt
1775/04/18 Paul Revere leaves his house in Boston and is rowed across the harbor to Charlestown. "While waiting to start his famous ride, he realized that he'd forgotten his spurs, sent his dog home with a note asking that they be brought to him." Esther Forbes Messenger Paul Revere House Boston The Midnight Ride
1775/04/18 Paul Revere alerts Isaac Hall Messenger Isaac Hall House Medford, MA The Midnight Ride
1775/04/19 About midnight: Paul Revere arrives at Lexington warning John Hancock and Samuel Adams they are about to be arrested. Messenger Hancock-Clarke House Lexington, MA The Midnight Ride
1775/04/19 Revere is briefly detained and questioned. "in an instant I saw four of them, who rode up to me, with their pistols in their hands, said G-d d-n you stop. If you go an Inch further, you are a dead Man" PR Messenger Minute Man National Historical Park - Battle Road Unit Lexington, MA The Midnight Ride
1775/04/19 Revere is briefly detained and questioned. "in an instant I saw four of them, who rode up to me, with their pistols in their hands, said G-d d-n you stop. If you go an Inch further, you are a dead Man" PR Messenger Minute Man National Historical Park - Battle Road Unit Concord, MA The Midnight Ride
1779/07/25 Revere and 600 militiamen under the command of Gen Solomon Lovell, fight to within a few hundred yards of the British earthen fort, at a striking distance to overrun the enemy. Patriot Lt Colonel Fort George (Castine, Maine) Castine Penobscot Expedition
1792/00/00 Paul Revere cast his first bell, also the first bell cast in Boston, for his own church, the Second Church (lost) of Boston. Foundry First Church Bell Cast In Boston
1792/06/28 Paul Revere buys a lot on Lynn Street, now Commercial St, at Sliding Ally in Boston and establishes a foundry with his sons Paul Jr and Joseph Warren. Work
1795/00/00 Revere is hired to provide 15 tons of drawn copper bolts to fasten hull planking to live oak frame, a 242-pound bell and fittings for the USS CONSTITUTION at $3820.33. Revere's foundry draws will down the English-made copper bolts and provide the bell. Manufacturer USS CONSTITUTION Boston
1795/07/04 During a Masonic ceremony, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Paul Revere, assist Samuel Adams in the laying of the foundation stone for the new Massachusetts State House. Dignitary Massachusetts Statehouse Boston
1800/01/00 Encouraged by the promise of a loan from the federal government, Paul Revere, buys a former gunpowder mill in Canton, where during the Revolutionary War, largely by his instrumentality and agency, the Colony and State had been supplied with powder. Founder Paul Revere Heritage Site Canton
1802/00/00 Paul Revere recommends covering the wooden dome of the Massachusetts Statehouse with copper sheets in the manner used in ship building to solve the problem of persistent rainwater leaks. Work Massachusetts Statehouse Boston
1811/00/00 At the age of 76, Paul Revere cast his last bell, retires from business and passes the day-to-day operations on to his son and grandson. 27 bells are known to exist which were cast during the period of his direct involvement at the foundry. Work Paul Revere Heritage Site Canton
1818/05/10 Paul Revere dies of natural causes at his home on Charter St (lost) in Boston. He is buried at Granary Burying Ground. Died Granary Burying Ground Boston Death of Paul Revere
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