
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1882/07/22 Born Born Edward Hopper Birthplace and Boyhood Home Orangetown Edward Hopper's Birthday
1902/00/00 Painter and Model - created Painter Painter and Model
1907/00/00 Apres-midi de juin - created Painter Apres-midi de juin
1907/00/00 Les lavoirs a Pont Royal - created Painter Les lavoirs a Pont Royal
1908/00/00 The El Station - created Painter The El Station
1909/00/00 Summer Interior - created Painter Summer Interior
1909/00/00 The Wine Shop - created Painter The Wine Shop
1909/00/00 "Le pavillon de Flore" is created. Painter Le pavillon de Flore
1909/00/00 Le Pont Royal - created Painter Le Pont Royal
1909/00/00 Le Quai des Grands Augustins - created Painter Le Quai des Grands Augustins
1912/00/00 Squam Light - created Painter Squam Light
1912/00/00 American Village - created Painter American Village
1913/00/00 Queensborough Bridge - created Painter Queensborough Bridge
1914/00/00 Road in Maine - created Painter Road in Maine
1914/00/00 Soir bleu - created Painter Soir bleu
1916/00/00 Hopper paints "Blackhead, Monhegan" Painter Blackhead, Monhegan Monhegan Island Maine
1918/00/00 Night on the El Train - created Artist Night on the El Train
1919/00/00 Stairways - created Painter Stairways
1920/00/00 American Landscape - created Artist American Landscape
1921/00/00 House Tops - created Artist House Tops
1921/00/00 Night Shadows - created Artist Night Shadows
1921/00/00 Girl at Sewing Machine - created Painter Girl at Sewing Machine
1922/00/00 The New York Restaurant - created Painter The New York Restaurant
1922/00/00 East Side Interior - created Artist East Side Interior
1922/00/00 Railroad Crossing - created Painter Railroad Crossing
1923/00/00 The Mansard Roof - created Painter The Mansard Roof
1923/00/00 The Lonely House - created Artist The Lonely House
1923/00/00 The Locomotive - created Artist The Locomotive
1924/00/00 Edward Hopper makes a watercolor of the Haskell House at 316 Main Street, Gloucester. The Second Empire style residence built in 1884 for state representative Melvin Haskell has been striped of its ornamentation. Painter Gloucester, MA Massachusetts
1925/00/00 "Ranch House, Santa Fe" is created. Painter Ranch House, Santa Fe
1925/00/00 House by the Railroad - created Painter House by the Railroad
1925/00/00 Self-Portrait - created Painter Self-Portrait
1926/00/00 Sunday - created Painter Sunday
1927/00/00 Drug Store - created Painter Drug Store
1927/00/00 The City - created Painter The City
1927/00/00 Automat - created Painter Automat
1927/00/00 Captain Upton's House - created Painter Captain Upton's House
1927/00/00 Coast Guard Station - created Painter Coast Guard Station
1927/06/00 During the summer of 1927, Edward Hopper visits the Two Lights lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth, Maine and paints "Lighthouse Hill". Painter Lighthouse Hill Two Lights Cape Elizabeth
1928/00/00 Manhattan Bridge Loop - created Painter Manhattan Bridge Loop
1928/00/00 Night Windows - created Painter Night Windows
1928/00/00 From Williamsburg Bridge - created Painter From Williamsburg Bridge
1929/00/00 Hopper returns to Cape Elizabeth Lights in Cape Elizabeth, Maine and paints "Lighthouse at Two Lights". Painter The Lighthouse at Two Lights Two Lights Cape Elizabeth
1929/00/00 Railroad Sunset - created Painter Railroad Sunset
1929/00/00 Chop Suey - created Painter Chop Suey
1929/04/00 Edward Hopper paints a watercolor on paper "Charleston Doorway" using the Johnson House as the subject. Artist Dr Joseph Johnson House Charleston, SC
1930/00/00 Corn Hill - created Painter Corn Hill
1930/00/00 Apartment Houses, East River - created Painter Apartment Houses, East River
1930/00/00 House in Provincetown - created Painter House in Provincetown
1930/00/00 Cobb's Barns, South Truro - created Painter Cobb's Barns, South Truro Truro Massachusetts
1930/00/00 Early Sunday Morning - created Painter Early Sunday Morning
1930/00/00 Hills, South Truro - created Painter Hills, South Truro Truro Massachusetts
1930/00/00 Tables for Ladies - created Painter Tables for Ladies
1931/00/00 New York, New Haven and Hartford - created Painter New York, New Haven and Hartford
1931/00/00 High Road - created Painter High Road
1931/00/00 Hotel Room - created Painter Hotel Room
1932/00/00 Dauphinee House - created Painter Dauphinee House
1932/00/00 Room in New York - created Painter Room in New York
1934/03/00 Hopper paints "East Wind Over Weehawken" Painter East Wind Over Weehawken Weehawken New Jersey
1935/00/00 Macomb's Dam Bridge - created Painter Macomb's Dam Bridge
1935/00/00 Edward Hopper paints the seashore at Long Point Light Station on Cape Cod, MA Painter The Long Leg Long Point Light Station Provincetown
1935/00/00 House at Dusk - created Painter House at Dusk
1936/00/00 Jo Painting - created Painter Jo Painting
1936/00/00 Cape Cod Afternoon - created Painter Cape Cod Afternoon
1936/00/00 The Circle Theater - created Painter The Circle Theater
1937/00/00 White River at Sharon - created Painter White River at Sharon
1937/00/00 The Sheridan Theater - created Painter The Sheridan Theater
1937/00/00 Mouth of Pamet River-Fall Tide - created Painter Mouth of Pamet River-Fall Tide
1938/00/00 Compartiment C, Car 193 - created Painter Compartiment C, Car 193
1939/00/00 Cape Cod Evening - created Painter Cape Cod Evening
1939/00/00 Bridle Path - created Painter Bridle Path
1939/00/00 New York Movie - created Painter New York Movie
1939/09/15 As recorded in his daybook, Hopper completes "Ground Swell" at his studio in Truro, Massachusetts. Painter Ground Swell Truro Massachusetts
1940/00/00 Gas - created Painter Gas
1940/00/00 Office at Night - created Painter Office at Night
1941/00/00 The Lee Shore - created Painter The Lee Shore
1942/00/00 Nighthawks - created Painter Nighthawks
1942/00/00 Edward Hopper paints "Dawn in Pennsylvania", a quiet railroad station platform and a row of industrial buildings. Painter Dawn in Pennsylvania
1943/00/00 Hotel Lobby - created Painter Hotel Lobby
1943/00/00 Summertime - created Painter Summertime
1943/03/00 "Ground Swell" is exhibited at the Eighteenth Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Oil Paintings at the Corcoran Gallery of Art where Hopper serves as a juror. It is acquired at the exhibition by the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Juror Ground Swell The Corcoran Washington, DC
1944/00/00 Solitude - created Painter Solitude
1944/00/00 Morning in a City - created Painter Morning in a City
1945/00/00 Rooms for Tourists - created Painter Rooms for Tourists
1945/00/00 August in the City - created Painter August in the City
1946/00/00 El Palacio - created Painter El Palacio
1946/00/00 Jo in Wyoming - created Painter Jo in Wyoming
1946/00/00 Approaching a City - created Painter Approaching a City
1947/00/00 Pennsylvania Coal Town - created Painter Pennsylvania Coal Town
1947/00/00 Summer Evening - created Painter Summer Evening
1948/00/00 Seven AM - created Painter Seven AM
1949/00/00 Stairway - created Painter Stairway
1949/00/00 Conference at Night - created Painter Conference at Night
1949/08/25 Hopper begins painting High Noon Painter High Noon
1950/00/00 After making repeated trips with Jo to Orleans to get the right sky for his painting, Edward Hopper paints a "Portrait of Orleans". Painter Portrait of Orleans Orleans Massachusetts
1950/00/00 Cape Cod Morning - created Painter Cape Cod Morning
1951/00/00 Rooms by the Sea - created Painter Rooms by the Sea
1951/00/00 First Row Orchestra - created Painter First Row Orchestra
1952/00/00 Hotel by a Railroad - created Painter Hotel by a Railroad
1952/00/00 Morning Sun - created Painter Morning Sun
1952/00/00 Sea Watchers - created Painter Sea Watchers
1953/00/00 Office in a Small City - created Painter Office in a Small City
1954/00/00 City Sunlight - created Painter City Sunlight
1955/00/00 South Carolina Morning - created Painter South Carolina Morning
1956/00/00 Sunlight on Brownstones - created Painter Sunlight on Brownstones
1956/00/00 Four Lane Road - created Painter Four Lane Road
1956/00/00 Hotel Window - created Painter Hotel Window
1957/00/00 Western Motel - created Painter Western Motel
1958/00/00 Sunlight in a Cafeteria - created Painter Sunlight in a Cafeteria
1959/00/00 Excursion into Philosophy - created Painter Excursion into Philosophy
1960/00/00 "People in the Sun" is created. Painter People in the Sun
1960/00/00 Second Story Sunlight - created Painter Second Story Sunlight
1961/00/00 A Woman in the Sun - created Painter A Woman in the Sun
1962/00/00 New York Office - created Painter New York Office
1963/00/00 Intermission - created Painter Intermission
1963/00/00 Sun in an Empty Room - created Painter Sun in an Empty Room
1965/00/00 Chair Car - created Painter Chair Car
1965/00/00 Two Comedians - created Painter Two Comedians
1967/05/15 Died Died

114 Creative Works by Edward Hopper »

Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Painter and Model Painter Painting 1902/00/00
Les lavoirs a Pont Royal Painter Painting 1907/00/00
Apres-midi de juin Painter Painting 1907/00/00
The El Station Painter Painting 1908/00/00
Le Quai des Grands Augustins Painter Painting 1909/00/00
Summer Interior Painter Painting 1909/00/00
Le pavillon de Flore Painter Painting 1909/00/00
Le Pont Royal Painter Painting 1909/00/00
The Wine Shop Painter Painting 1909/00/00
American Village Painter Painting 1912/00/00
Squam Light Painter Painting 1912/00/00
Queensborough Bridge Painter Painting 1913/00/00
Soir bleu Painter Painting 1914/00/00
Road in Maine Painter Painting 1914/00/00
Blackhead, Monhegan Painter Painting 1916/00/00
Night on the El Train Artist Etching 1918/00/00
Stairways Painter Painting 1919/00/00
American Landscape Artist Etching 1920/00/00
Girl at Sewing Machine Painter Painting 1921/00/00
Night Shadows Artist Etching 1921/00/00
House Tops Artist Etching 1921/00/00
Railroad Crossing Painter Painting 1922/00/00
The New York Restaurant Painter Painting 1922/00/00
East Side Interior Artist Etching 1922/00/00
The Mansard Roof Painter Painting 1923/00/00
The Locomotive Artist Etching 1923/00/00
The Lonely House Artist Etching 1923/00/00
House by the Railroad Painter Painting 1925/00/00
  • 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
Ranch House, Santa Fe Painter Painting 1925/00/00
Self-Portrait Painter Painting 1925/00/00
Sunday Painter Painting 1926/00/00
The City Painter Painting 1927/00/00
Automat Painter Painting 1927/00/00
Captain Upton's House Painter Painting 1927/00/00
Coast Guard Station Painter Painting 1927/00/00
Drug Store Painter Painting 1927/00/00
Lighthouse Hill Painter Painting 1927/06/00
Night Windows Painter Painting 1928/00/00
From Williamsburg Bridge Painter Painting 1928/00/00
Manhattan Bridge Loop Painter Painting 1928/00/00
The Lighthouse at Two Lights Painter Painting 1929/00/00
Railroad Sunset Painter Painting 1929/00/00
Chop Suey Painter Painting 1929/00/00
Corn Hill Painter Painting 1930/00/00
Tables for Ladies Painter Painting 1930/00/00
House in Provincetown Painter Painting 1930/00/00
Cobb's Barns, South Truro Painter Painting 1930/00/00
Early Sunday Morning Painter Painting 1930/00/00
Apartment Houses, East River Painter Painting 1930/00/00
Hills, South Truro Painter Painting 1930/00/00
New York, New Haven and Hartford Painter Painting 1931/00/00
Hotel Room Painter Painting 1931/00/00
High Road Painter Painting 1931/00/00
Dauphinee House Painter Painting 1932/00/00
Room in New York Painter Painting 1932/00/00
East Wind Over Weehawken Painter Painting 1934/03/00
The Long Leg Painter Painting 1935/00/00
Macomb's Dam Bridge Painter Painting 1935/00/00
House at Dusk Painter Painting 1935/00/00
Cape Cod Afternoon Painter Painting 1936/00/00
The Circle Theater Painter Painting 1936/00/00
Jo Painting Painter Painting 1936/00/00
The Sheridan Theater Painter Painting 1937/00/00
Mouth of Pamet River-Fall Tide Painter Painting 1937/00/00
White River at Sharon Painter Painting 1937/00/00
Compartiment C, Car 193 Painter Painting 1938/00/00
New York Movie Painter Painting 1939/00/00
Bridle Path Painter Painting 1939/00/00
Cape Cod Evening Painter Painting 1939/00/00
Ground Swell Painter Painting 1939/09/15
Office at Night Painter Painting 1940/00/00
Gas Painter Painting 1940/00/00
  • 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
The Lee Shore Painter Painting 1941/00/00
Nighthawks Painter Painting 1942/00/00
  • 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
Dawn in Pennsylvania Painter Painting 1942/00/00
Summertime Painter Painting 1943/00/00
Hotel Lobby Painter Painting 1943/00/00
Solitude Painter Painting 1944/00/00
Morning in a City Painter Painting 1944/00/00
August in the City Painter Painting 1945/00/00
Rooms for Tourists Painter Painting 1945/00/00
El Palacio Painter Painting 1946/00/00
Jo in Wyoming Painter Painting 1946/00/00
Approaching a City Painter Painting 1946/00/00
Summer Evening Painter Painting 1947/00/00
Pennsylvania Coal Town Painter Painting 1947/00/00
Seven AM Painter Painting 1948/00/00
Stairway Painter Painting 1949/00/00
Conference at Night Painter Painting 1949/00/00
High Noon Painter Painting 1949/08/25
Portrait of Orleans Painter Painting 1950/00/00
Cape Cod Morning Painter Painting 1950/00/00
Rooms by the Sea Painter Painting 1951/00/00
First Row Orchestra Painter Painting 1951/00/00
Sea Watchers Painter Painting 1952/00/00
Morning Sun Painter Painting 1952/00/00
Hotel by a Railroad Painter Painting 1952/00/00
Office in a Small City Painter Painting 1953/00/00
City Sunlight Painter Painting 1954/00/00
South Carolina Morning Painter Painting 1955/00/00
Sunlight on Brownstones Painter Painting 1956/00/00
Hotel Window Painter Painting 1956/00/00
Four Lane Road Painter Painting 1956/00/00
Western Motel Painter Painting 1957/00/00
Sunlight in a Cafeteria Painter Painting 1958/00/00
Excursion into Philosophy Painter Painting 1959/00/00
Second Story Sunlight Painter Painting 1960/00/00
  • 1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die
People in the Sun Painter Painting 1960/00/00
A Woman in the Sun Painter Painting 1961/00/00
New York Office Painter Painting 1962/00/00
Intermission Painter Painting 1963/00/00
Sun in an Empty Room Painter Painting 1963/00/00
Two Comedians Painter Painting 1965/00/00
Chair Car Painter Painting 1965/00/00

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