John Bacon (sculptor)

  • English

John Bacon Sr was a notable English sculptor. - AsNotedIn


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1778/00/00 John Bacon creates "George III and the River Thames". Artist George III and the River Thames (sculpture)
1780/00/00 At the Somerset House quadrangle, John Bacon's bronze standing figure of George III with a lion is set on a Portland stone pedestal and the reclining bronze Father Thames is placed on a raised on plinth in a balustraded parapet. Artist George III and the River Thames (sculpture) Somerset House And King's College Old Building London

1 Creative Work by John Bacon (sculptor) »

Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
George III and the River Thames (sculpture) Artist Sculpture 1778/00/00
  • English National Heritage Listed I

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