Universal Pictures

  • American

Universal Pictures is a major American film studio. - AsNotedIn

Notable Position Person From To
President Carl Laemmle 1912
Notable Position Organization From To
Member Motion Picture Association


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1912/04/30 Universal Film Manufacturing Company is incorporated in New York by the German Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles O Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, Robert H Cochrane and Jules Brulatour. Established
1928/00/00 Owner Sheboygan Theater Sheboygan, WI
1930/04/21 "All Quiet on the Western Front" premieres at the 1,500-seat Carthay Circle (lost) in Los Angeles. Studio All Quiet on the Western Front
1930/11/24 After the Supreme Film Censor Board in Berlin, Germany initially bans "All Quiet on the Western Front", Universal appeals the decision and is granted permission to exhibit the film. Studio All Quiet on the Western Front
1931/11/21 "Frankenstein " is released. Studio Frankenstein
1935/00/00 "Bride of Frankenstein " is released. Studio Bride of Frankenstein
1936/09/06 "My Man Godfrey " is released. Studio My Man Godfrey (film)
1973/12/25 Starring Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw, Charles Durning and Robert Earl Jones, "The Sting" is released. Studio The Sting
1983/10/06 Universal studios, new license holder of the worldwide rights of five Hitchcock films, releases "Rear Window". After breaking on-day box office records for art houses around the country, "Rear Window" will pull in $6.8 million in five months. Studio Rear Window (film) STEWART ET AL v ABEND, DBA AUTHORS RESEARCH CO
1983/12/01 "Scarface " is released. Studio Scarface
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