Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
1901/00/00 | Thomas Bailey Aldrich | Home | After his son Charles is diagnosed with tuberculosis, T B Aldrich builds two houses, one for his son and one for him and his family, in Saranac Lake, New York, then the leading treatment center for the disease. | |||
1904/03/06 | Thomas Bailey Aldrich | Grieving Father | Charles Aldrich, son of Thomas Bailey Aldrich dies of tuberculosis, age thirty-four. The family will leave Saranac Lake and never returned. |
Particulars for The Porcupine: | |
Sight Category | Building |
Building Type | House |
Owner | Private |
Historic Use | Single dwelling |
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